Date: 6/2/04
Roleplay Subject Speaking The Truth Part II
Upcoming Match: VS Tank
Achievements: Joined WWE
Edge Tank Million Dollar Title Violator World Title Shawn Winters Tag Team Titles
WWE Record: Singles : 1-0
Tag : 0-1
The layout was made by MOD from WIWA and Edited a Little bit by me, now read the rp and shut up.
Prologue-Last Monday night when Evolution and High Definition faced eachother Evolution managed to somehow come out on top giving Shaun his very first loss, Shaun is now set to face against Evolution member Tank this coming Monday. Could Shaun get some revenge or will he just be another victim of the sic? - End Of Prologue

|Scene Title: Making an Example Part I.|Time: 11:00 P.M.|Date: Thursday,3,2004|
Inside The Mind:
In this world, you are placed into one of two categories, you are either weak or you are strong. Which classification you are in depends solely on you, and how you perform, and showcase the talent you were given. There are some that believe they are strong, they believe they are dominant, but rather, they are blinded, failing to see that they really aren’t what they have led to believe, instead, they are categorized as weak, but they rather not see themselves as that. There are people that choose to believe what they feel, and what they say, and not follow what is indeed reality. Those people who cannot seem to welcome themselves into the real world are people who will never make it far in life; they will never come out of the darkness and take over the so called spotlight that hovers above the others. Those people who choose not to listen to the truth are what we would like to call egomaniacs, ones who are obsessed with themselves, thinking they have higher standards than everyone else when really they have nothing, nothing but their worthless little lives that mean absolutely nothing. Among those people lie Tank, a man who cherishes himself and everything he does.Monday Night Raw will be a night to remember, that’s guaranteed, but what isn’t guaranteed is Tank walking out on his own two feet. He is going to feel pain, and he won’t like it, he knows it, I know it, everyone knows it. If nothing else stops Tank, then I will.
As cameras opened up, we were focused on the sky, looking at the dark gray blanket of clouds that covered it. Slowly, rain fell from the sky, and everything around us slowly began to darken as the clouds covered the last bit of sunlight. We looked down and found ourselves outside of a few broken down warehouses. A car was driving down between them as we focused on it, but were unable to tell who or what it was. The headlights shined brightly as they began to get closer, driving through the small puddles and potholes on the ground. The car pulled alongside as us cameras backed up a bit and noticed a midnight blue Toyota Supra. The car stopped, for a second as we began to hear a loud noise. Turning around we noticed a huge metal shutter door opening up, as it got halfway up we looked inside but saw nothing but darkness. The car drove alongside us and into the dark room as cameras followed behind, only knowing where they were going by the cars brake lights. As we got inside the door began closing and everything became secluded in the dark. A few minutes passed and we heard some noise, of people walking. Suddenly a small creak was then heard, it sounded like a door opening. Before we knew it multiple lights turned on allowing us to see inside, noticed a large room with many various things in it. On the far right wall quite a few cars were parked, with covers over them. In the middle of the room was a round glass desk, with a computer on top of it. It was elevated a little bit as well. Behind that was a small portion of the room that was covered by a bluish carpet, on that was a wooden coffee table, a large screen television, and a black leather couch that was in a half circle. Speakers were hooked up in every corner of the room, and as we glanced to the left a little more we saw Shaun, taking his leather jacket off and setting it on a rack beside him. After setting it there, he walked over past the couch, another noise was heard and through the door we noticed Jason Madison walking in, followed by Jay O'Neil. Jason was dressed in black jeans, and was wearing a black trenchcoat, Jay was wearing baggy navy blue jeans, and a big gray jacket with fur around the hood. The two took off their jackets and set them on the rack and then proceeded to walk over and sit on the couch. We looked over at Shaun who was standing behind the bar, looking in the refrigerator. All of a sudden a can of beer went flying past us as we saw Jason catch it. Another one went by and Jay caught that. Shaun closed the fridge as he grabbed himself one and then looked at Jay and Jason. He just nodded his head and walked to the left as he passed through a door, which led to a large black carpeted staircase leading in a twist. Cameras followed Shaun up them until we walked inside a room with a pool table in the middle of it and on the left a large window was seen. Up against the wall a dark blue sofa was seen and on the back cushion we noticed the High Definition symbol on it. Shaun took a seat on it and cracked opened his beer and took a sip. He set it in the cup holder that was found in the arm rest and leaned back for a second. He looked into the camera and took a breath, but then quickly stood up. All of a sudden he swung his hand as it knocked the camera out of the mans hands and it landed on the floor. It was focused on the bottom part of the couch as we heard the man scream and then a thump was heard. Then, we see the camera lifted up, it focuses on a poster on the wall, and then suddenly shuts off.
.::] Two Hours Later [::.
Cameras returned to find ourselves in the room which we saw last. Except this time, the pool table had been moved to the side of the wall. Now in the middle of the room, tied up to a chair, with duck tape over his mouth and a light hanging above him, sat the cameraman. The room was silent as we noticed standing behind the man was Jay O'Neil. In front of him along the side holding the camera was Jason, and Shaun was pacing back and forth. He looked down at the man who had his head down. Shaun put his hand on the man’s chin and lifted his head up as the man stared at him. Shaun ripped the duck tape off his mouth as the guy showed it hurt a little, then tried speakin.
[:-:]'the camera man ' Jim : [:-:] "Why am..."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Shut up, I didn’t give you permission to speak. Now, I know your wondering why you find yourself tied up in a chair sitting here surrounded by three members of High Definition. Well you know.."
Shaun looks at the mans shirt and sees he has a label on his shirt that reads “Jim”.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Jim…Yeah, you know Jim, your just going to sit here for a little and suffer, mainly because I’m bored and I want to see someone suffer, I can’t wait until Monday to fight Tank to see it, I mean why wait right?"
[:-:]'the camera man ' Jim : [:-:] "But.."
Shaun smacks Jim hard across the face as his head flies sideways.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Jim Jim Jim, do you not listen to me? There are a few rules here now, if you want to get out of this. Rule number one, do not speak, rule number two, do not speak, rule number three, DO NOT SPEAK! Do you have any problems with that now?"
[:-:]'the camera man ' Jim : [:-:] "N...."
Shaun then smacks Jim again.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Jim, were going to need some practice here. You’re already breaking the rules and the fun didn’t even begin yet. Now, you either follow the rules, or else."
Jim looks up at Shaun with a cold glare.
[:-:]'the camera man ' Jim : [:-:] "Listen you asshole. I’m only the damn camera man around here, I don’t deserve this. For whatever reason you are doing this, I don’t care. The fact of the matter is.."
Before he can finish Shaun kicks Jim right in the face so hard he falls backwards in the chair and lands hard on the ground. Jason walks with the camera and looks down at him as we see Jim’s nose is busted open. Shaun slowly walks to the side of him then bends down as he looks at Jim who is staring a hole into Shaun.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Do I make myself clear now Jim? You listen, or I will beat you until you can’t even walk anymore. This isn’t a game Jim, so my suggestion to you is you keep your mouth closed and do as I say, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll let you out of here."
Shaun grabs the back of the chair and lifts it back up. The blood from Jim’s nose drips down his face and onto his shirt as Shaun walks off camera for a second. He comes back on as we see him wiping his face with a towel. He pushes his hair back and then looks at Jim again.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "I got some things to take care of. Don’t you go anywhere Jim. It would break my heart if you left."
Shaun laughs and begins to walk away. He looks back at Jim again.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Oh by the way, wipe your nose off, it’s bleeding."
Shaun throws the towel at him as it lands on his head and slides down onto his lap. Jim sits there staring at Shaun as he walks off and the scene fades out.

|Scene Title: Two Assassins?.|Time: 3:30 P.M.|Date: Friday,4,2004|
After leaving Jim tied up to a chair Shaun, Jay O'Neil and Jason Madison left the place, leaving the guy all alone. High Definition arrived to a hotel and they all got inside their own rooms as the cameras fade to black.
.::] Next Day [::..
Its early in the morning about Eight'O clock AM and only the workers of the hotel are awake doing their jobs, The door for Shaun's room opens and out comes Shaun wearing baggy blue jeans with grafitti writing on them, he's wearing a white shirt and white air forces ones with white and blue laces. Shaun then begins walking down the hall and walks down the stairs. He then gets out of the hotel and gets into his car and starts it, Shaun then drives for a while and gets to a restaurants parking lot then parks his car and turns his car off. Shaun then got out of the car and made his way into the restaurant. Once in the restaurant he saw a man sitting down on a table looking around, Shaun then walked towards the man as the man, the man happened to be none other than Shaun's younger brother Jace.
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Whats up Beeatch!"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "You never change, do you?"
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Ah you know me."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Not really."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Stop playing you know you me very damn well."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Well anyway, why out of all places did you want us to have lunch here?"
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "The food here is great man, trust me I should know."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Haha, yeah. The food probably tastes like shit."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Nah, man its actually pretty good. Where your friends at?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Two of the are at the hotel and theother one I dont know where the hell he's at."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "So, anyway."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Are you ready for Monday?"
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Hell Yeah, I'm excited, I cant wait to get into that ring and fight Jay."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Thats nice, you know he aint going take it easy on you right."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Easy on me? he's the one whos going have to watch out, I'm the one who might take it easy on him."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "You shouldnt understimate Jay."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "What? you dont think I can win?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "I didnt say that."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "So you dont think I cant win?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "I didnt say that either."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Then what the hell are you saying?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "When I find out I'll tell you."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Shaun, sometimes you're just too stupid."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "No need for name calling you bitch!"
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "What the hell what that?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Nothing."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Yeah, sure. whatever, so what you think of your match with Tank?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Nothing."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "What do you mean nothing?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Well its Tank man, he aint even worth thinking of."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Wait a second, you just told me not understimate Jay but you just understimated Tank."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Thats a whole different story."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "How?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "First of all I'm Shaun, second of all I have been in the ring with Tank and saw what he can and cant do, and third of all Jay is my bestfriend."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "Ah whatever, anyway man I gotta get going."
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Yeah, same here. I left someone tied to a chair."
[:-:]' the silent assassin' Jace Cabalar : [:-:] "What?"
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Nevermind."
Shaun and Jace get up and start walking towards the exit, Shaun goes one way and Jace goes theother. The scene then ends.

|Scene Title: Making An Example Part II.|Time: 2:00 P.M.|Date: Saturday,5,2004|
Cameras turn on to find ourselves in the warehouse once again. We are upstairs in the room where we first saw Shaun, Jay O'Neil, and Jason Madison, with the camera man Jim tied up to a chair. Jim is seen still tied up sitting beneath the light that shines above his head with his head down. His eyes are partially closed as cameras focus in on his face. His nose looks pretty messed up from when Shaun kicked him and his hair is wet. His eyes slowly begin to close until suddenly, smack, Jim’s eyes light up as he lifts his head up, looking at Shaun who is face to face with him.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "I’m sorry Jim, I forgot I gave you permission to close your eyes. Oh wait, I never did. Jim, you know, it was a good few days. Looking at you tied to this chair just suffering as the minutes pass makes me see the future. When I look at you and you can barely even keep your eyes open, can barely even breathe, I think of Tank. I see Tank in that chair Jim, I see him helpless, not able to do a damn thing. Our match is right around the corner, and I will make him suffer, as you know what that’s like don’t you Jim? But his is going to be far worse, after our match, Tank won’t even be able to walk. But Jim, thanks for making my day not only today but yesterday as well, see, you are good for something, and since the first time you kept your mouth shut, I think I’ll let you go now."
Jim looks at Shaun as his eyes open up more, seemingly happy to finally be released. Shaun, however walks behind Jim as Jim turns his head to see what he’s doing. Shaun grabs the back of the chair, and because it has wheels he pushes it a little. Shaun leans over Jim’s shoulder.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] " How could I forget Jim, have a nice trip home."
Shaun pushed the chair towards the directions of the stairs, Jim went flying across and hit the wall, half of the chair went over the top step and the other half stayed up. Jim was trying to talk but with the duck tape over his mouth, nothing was heard. He looked down the steps and leaned his head back, until we noticed Shaun push the chair with his foot causing Jim to go right down the steps. A lot of noise was heard as Shaun just laughed and walked back to where the light was, he turned it off and we were left in the darkness.
.::] Ten Minutes Later [::.
Cameras turned back on again and we now found ourselves downstairs in the warehouse, where Shaun was sitting on the couch again. He looked over at the camera and began speaking.
[:-:]'the ultimate asassin ' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "Ah, the weekend, there’s nothing like it right? You can’t describe how good it feels to just relax and enjoy a nice Saturday afternoon inside the comfort of your own home or just a place where you think is nice. Like right now, right here, sitting inside this warehouse that has so many memories of it, it’s just relaxing, it makes me feel good, and there is nothing like it. Now, usually I would be in the gym, working, preparing for my match with Tank, but I don’t feel it to be necessary today. I don’t have to worry myself over this match, because really, it’s nothing big. So what, I’m facing a Hall Of Famer, that’s not a big deal at all.Tank will see on Monday Night that everything I say is true, and in my world, Tank isn’t shit, he’s just another person trying to take me out, trying to get me away from the top, trying to get me away from the spotlight, but he can’t do that, because it’s mine, and I am going to the top, and whether he likes it or not, I really don’t care. Tank will learn a valuable lesson when Raw rolls around, and hopefully this time he remembers it and just finally realizes that when he is put up against High Definition, he will never succeed, he will just become another squashed bug under our shoes. His time is slowly but surely running out. I hope he enjoys what he has left, and does what he wants to do this weekend, because after Monday Night is over with and the event is done, Tank will be lucky if he can even make it out of the bed the following morning. He will realize when I defeat him, that what I say isn’t something I choose to say, it’s the truth, and hopefully it will sink into his thick skull that when you are the Ultimate Asassin you will always win!"
With those words said, WWE cameras faded to black.

|Scene Title: Speaking The Truth Part II(section 1).|Time: 3:00 P.M.|Date: Sunday,6,2004|
Inside The Mind The event will become more and more fatal as time goes by. Seeing me go against Tank in a one on one, man against machine, me of course. And career ender against a career embarassment. Tank still, underestimates my abilities inside that ring or wherever it is I find my match up’s taking place. He still fails to realize how much better of a wrestler I am than what he is right now. Tank believes he can end me? End what I say has only just begun? I don’t think so. Tank has no idea just what in the hell he is talking about, the only thing he knows is what his mind is throwing downstairs and out of his mouth. Pretty soon, the only thing Tank will know more other than anything, is how badly he was defeated by the Ultimate Asassin. I take no prisoners, I grant no requests, the only thing I do well is, is beat people down. Everyone who has entered that ring against me has left knowing something new about me. Knowing about how skilled I really am, and about how much of a great extreme wrestler I can be when I am tempted. What Tank has no idea about is, is that I am a great wrestler. He doesn’t know because he has been too busy hiding behind the man that gave him Shawn Winters, i know that Tank, you have been hiding Under the arms of Winters,Tank believes he is the greatest thing ever, but sadly to let him know, that is one thing he is not. Nobody is the absolute best damn wrestler in the world Tank, which means you are not as well. Neither am I, but I continue to say that I am that damn good and that much better than he is. He claims he is the best wrestler, no maybe you dont claim and say it because you think you are so you only think it and keep it to yourself. but you know Tank, you and I will make history, everyone will remember this match forever. after they see what we do to eachother in that ring there's no tell that either one of us will walk out of that arena but I do promise I will win."
The lights come on in the room and notice Shaun Cabalar standing up behind the table. He is seen with his hands crossed in front of him and is seen wearing a white long sleeve shirt. Camera’s are unable to see the color of his pants. Shaun then grips the side of the table with his hands, and tosses the table across the room. The table cracks against the wall and is seen breaking in half. Shaun turns around and then moves to the right, and in front of Shaun is a stand up caordboard cut out of WWE superstar, Tank. Shaun pulls out the lighter again, then lites the top part of the poster and the board catches a flame. He steps back and then begins laughing. The lights come on completely and then seen behind the cut out are millions of marchandise of Tank. Shaun lites the lighter again then tosses the lighter into the merchandise pile and the whole pile catches a flame! Shaun exits from out of camera screen and the camera’s then dissolve out then back on to the outside area. Camera’s notice the small building having smoke coming from the top of it and then suddenly a big BOOM. The roof collapsed through and large flames and clouds of smoke are seen filling the air. Shaun is seen walking towards the camera’s then disappears from the camera view.[:-:]'The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : [:-:] "What a sight that was. Watching as the flames soared through each other and burning every dry object into a small crisp piece of ash. Just as I plan on doing to Tank come Monday Night. I plan on setting him on fire and sitting back as the rest of the WWE stomps him out to dry. I want to ruin Tank, ruin him to where he cannot be fixed, more like break him in half much rather than ruin him. I want to cause a lot of pain this Monday Night, so much pain. Enough pain to last him through the night. To remind him of who the man was that reminded him of his end, and sent him there at the same time. Monday Night, Raw calls for Tank to walk down the hall of retirement, and stay there until his time to pass on arrives. All I can see for the future for Tank, is downhill failure. He will shortly make an embarassment out of himself, get boo’ed from out of the building, and never return to a wrestling ring again in his career.I am going to beat him and send him home with his bags ready to begin his adventures of from the kitchen to the couch whenever World Wrestling Entertainment comes on television. Tank has not seen me on my best day, he doesn’t deserve its right to step into his presence.I am going to be the delivery person to sweep down to him, take his soul from the wrestling world, and leave his body laying in a puddle of its own blood…I WILL BEAT TANK!!!!"
Cameras fade to black.
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