Bourne |
scene is set in a Board Room Full of WWCF Representives. They all seem
to be looking at their watches or fidgeting with their pens, asthough
they are waiting on someone.
WWCF Staff #1 - I Think hes going to No-Show again
WWCF Staff #2 - Yeah I heard its quite usual for Bourne not to show up. He didn't even show up for his title match!
WWCF Staff #1 - They gave him a title match? Jesus. I guess they would promote anybody nowadays.
WWCF Staff #3 - Hah! I Wouldn't call it Promoting. Bourne is lucky not to get CUT!
Voice - I Think you are Lucky I am still here....
The whole Board turns around and looks at the door. Bourne is standing there shaking his head.
WWCF Staff #1 - How Long have you been stood there?
Bourne - Long enough....
Bourne Sighs.
- Long enough for you lot to be here bitching me out over a meeting,
when frankly none of your are capable enough to actually stand in the
ring without panting away. Hell a couple of you are already sweating
from talking for a few minutes. Now lets get down to business.
Bourne grabs himself a chair, sits down and proceeds to speak.
- Ahh Yes, Like I said. You are lucky I am still here. I mean you are
the most professional people I have ever worked with. I have come here
for how long? few weeks now. Granted I haven't been around much, but
your Employee Recognistion Standards are spilling my friends.
WWCF Staff #2 - What do you mean?
The rest of the staff all look confused.
- Wipe that look off your faces. Did you know in reality I am unbeaten?
Nobody has beat me. And I am not surprised my popularity is rock
bottom, especially with the fans. I mean I was looking on the Official
WWCF Website the other day, and I am not even on the ROSTER. Hell in
the WWE they had Scotty 2 Hotty on the roster for many years and he
only came out, did a little dance, and got beat. That was once a month
on their secondary show Velocity, or Heat, depending on which way you
guys look at it.
WWCF Staff #1 - So What is your point?
- My point is sir.... that do you ever wonder why I have a lack of
motivation when I don't even get recognised as a member of this
Establishment. I mean seriously.... we have a guy called "PEZZER" on
the roster. This guy sounds like a chav. Doing around the streets
stealing handbags, mobile phones, wallets, baseball hats hell they
would even steal some Lungs if they had the chance. Yet he gets his
name on the roster, please explain this to me?
WWCF Staff #3 - You do know the Proper Board are currently updating the site so it has a better layout and more fea...
The board are interupted by Bourne pretending to snore in his chair. Everywhere goes quiet.
- Oh I'm sorry. Did my lack of interet for your excuses stop you from
speaking? I Do apoligise. So are you going to cut me or not? I mean
Lets get straight up here. You know I can win... You know I can make a
name for myself, and if you got your noses out of HHH's ass for two
minutes you could see this. Hell one of you thought it was a good idea
to push Chase Campbell to the top of the ladder, I hear he has a Main
Event this week. Top Bombing.
WWCF #2 - I shall make you a deal Bourne. You promise to give a Promo for Pulse this week and I shall put you in a match,
Bourne - DEAL. Who is my match with? And if it is taking Chase Campbells place then I am totally fine with it.
#2 - No, You shall take on Pezzer, since you also spoke bad about him.
In a Tag Team match. Againsn't Pezzer and Brandon Michaels.
Bourne - Who shall my partner be?
WWCF #2 - Yoshi Lee.
- Great, you team me up against a Chav and Brandon Michaels and you
give me a Tag Partner that is named after a Nintendo Game? Thanks very
WWCF #2 - Don't Mention it... and Bourne. You No Show this week, and you my friend shall be cut. No Second Chances.
Bourne - Fine...
Bourne gets up to storm out
Bourne - Just remember, you screw me out of anything in this place, it shall come back on you.
Bourne leaves the room, slamming the door in the process |