Bourne's Menu
The Retirement of Bourne...

[The scene is set with Bourne sat at a desk with a camera facing him. The set is kind of similar to one that the president uses, except for the fact the screen is a green background with a WWCF logo on it. You see everyone is busy putting the props into place. You hear the director shout]

Director - MOVE MOVE MOVE!

[The scene quickly empties, Bourne steps onto the scene, and takes a seat. he looks past the camera, nods and then looks directly at the camera]

Bourne - Good Morning WWCF fans, this is not a recording, it is a live feed. The first live feed a wrestler has given for a long long time. So forgive me for being nervous.

[Bourne takes a glass of water, has a sip, and then continues]

Bourne - Recently on various websites, it has been reported that I, Bourne, is planning on retirement due to the concussion sustainted at the Pay Per View last month, where I won the King of the Deathmatch X Title. It also states that how I have not wrestled since that match until I took on a rather green Jeff Van Damage. Where due to a mistake by myself I lost the title I had indeed nearly lost my career for.

[Bourne takes another glass of water]

Bourne - So How do I feel about that? Well now I have two choices.... Fight my way back from the bottom of the ladder, or simply retire. Does Bourne let the WWCF Wrestlers walk all over him again? Or does he walk away from the thing he loves? Well I think the answer is easy... Bourne will not retire.

[Bourne smiles at the camera]

Bourne - And it starts this week at Aftershock, the management have decided to throw me a hungry man by the name of Dante Singapore.... a man so important that they spell his name wrong on the Aftershock Card. Dante, the name says it all. When I hear the man Dante, I instantly think of a guy who would be the bitch at a gay Star Wars themed wedding, I instantly think he would be the guy who works at a convience store with his buddy Randal! Or maybe even a fast food joint? The last place he is going to want to be, is inside the ring with Bourne. I am going to make an example of him, sending out a message. To one... Shawn Gold.

[Bournes smile instantly drops to a frown]

Bourne - Providing it was you who created a distraction.... and cost me my title. I am going to make sure you get this message directly. Just because I came into the WWCF and pole vaulted higher up the ladder, had one of the matches of the year with Triple H,  does not give you the right to interfere in one of my matches. Unless of course it was to get some kind of exposure....

[Bourne puts a voice on]

Bourne - "Hey! I know! Ill cost someone their title and then they'll give me a title shot!" But brains aren't your strong point are they Gold? You cost a guy a title, you are going to end up being on the end of the persons foot whos title you just cost! I mean seriously.... are you a hillbilly? If you would have waited for Jeff Van Damage to tap out and then ATTACK ME after the match, your stupid ass would probably end up having a title shot right now. But instead you thought.... "OOOO LETS GET BOURNE TEEHEEE" and you ran off like a little girl.

[Bourne finishes the glass off]

Bourne - This week, I am back on TV. Bourne Promo Time Starts. That means all who get in my way had better sep up their game. Consider this your warning.

[The Scene cuts out]