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Reborn - February 16th, 2004
- 2/17/2004 by JeremyChaplin
Meltdown 3 - February 6th, 2004
- 2/17/2004 by JeremyChaplin
Meltdown 2 - January 30th, 2004
- 2/17/2004 by JeremyChaplin
Meltdown 1 - January 23rd, 2004
- 2/17/2004 by JeremyChaplin
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Wrestler Name:
Magnus Lee

Height: 6'10 Weight:307

Hometown: Hammerfest, Norway

Face or Heel: Face

Background Information:
Magnus Lee was born of a Norwegian mother and American father. He was very fascinated by Norse mythology, as well the legendary Scandanavian Vikings who were feared in their time. He grew up very serious about his country's history and mythology, but also enjoyed the ligher, parodied side of European stereotypes in the Hans and Franz skits on "Saturday Night Live." Both factors combined to give him a VERY strong interest in training to become a champion bodybuilder.

His work certainly paid off, as Magnus has a ripped body. However, his height continued to grow as well, and he found that more people were interested in having him be a wrestler rather than a bodybuilder! Seeing wrestling as a way to not only show off his physique but also his strength, he decided to enter the profession.

Wrestler's Entrance Description:
(As Stratovarius's "Reign of Terror" begins playing, the fans in the audience begin to cheer. Out from the back steps Magnus Lee, wearing black workout pants and a grey "Pumping Up With Hans and Franz" tanktop. He high-fives the fans as he walks down the aisle, stopping occasionally to flex and pose. Magnus steps over the top rope, them motions to the crowd that he's going to pump... them up!)

Favorite Matches:
List some of your more memorable Matches here... (GCW Matches ONLY please)

Finishing Move:
The Eye of Odin

Finishing Move Description:
Magnus grabs the opponent with a face claw submission hold with one hand. He grabs their tights with his free land, lifting them and up and slamming them down like a chokeslam. He keeps the face claw held in as a submission hold.

Typical Moves:
1. Big boot
2. Power clothesline
3. Gorilla press
4. Spinebuster
5. Shoulder tackle dive
6. Piledriver
7. Gutwrench powerbomb
8. Chokeslam
9. Full Nelson slam
10. Orange Crush pin

Handlers Name:
Rich Tabris

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
Please list your screen names here: Example - AIM:BigDog112

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