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Wrestler Name:
"The Mad Cat "Panther
6'2 Weight:225
Riverside , Ca
Face or Heel:
Background Information:
A young man from Riverside Ca. who dreamed of becoming a wrestler dawned a mask and trained extermely hard in UPW. And after his training he went to Mexico and Wrestled for AAA (Lucha Libre)were he was unmasked and humiliated by the evil and destructive man known as Cyrax.He left the Mexico scene and came back to the U.S. He made his return to an American Fed known as ECWNG. He has also been is such feds as WWE, ICWF, GAW, and RTW. But Panther has yet to obtain any gold but hopefully this will all change CUZ THIS CAT IS...ON...THE...PROWL!
Wrestler's Entrance Description:
" Same in the end " By Sublime hits as the global-tron flashes wildly with images of The Panther. He enters the ring and taunts the crowd and waits for sombody anybody to step threw that curtain!
Favorite Matches:
Finishing Move:
Finishing Move Description:
Typical Moves:
Trademark#1: Pawz Strike (People's Elbow) Trademark#2: Pounce (450 Splash) Trademark#3: MadCat deathlock (Sharp Shooter) Trademark#4: front face buster Trademark#5: hurricaneranna pin
Handlers Name:
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