Wrestler Name:

Height: 6'1" Weight:250

Hometown: Jacksonville, FL

Alignment: Heel

Alignment: Voodoo Chile - Covered by Ben Harper


Background Information:

Titles Held:
FWC United States Champion (ret.), jWo United States Champion (ret.), SWA World Heavyweight Champion (ret.), AAWC TV Champion (ret.), IWC Tagteam Co-Champion (w/ Pi, ret.) CSWA World Tagteam Champion (w/ Craig Miles, current)

Finishing Move:
'Screwjob' Spinning Tombstone, 'Heastroke' Greetings From Asbury Park

Finishing Move Description:

Setup Move:

Setup Move Description:

Typical Moves:
Hotshot, 'Farenheit 451' Cobra-Clutch/Russian Legsweep, 'Arrested Development' Ziplock, Camel Clutch

Handlers Name:
Jamar Nicholas

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:

Wrestler's Entrance Description:
Eddie swaggers to the ring with a lit Camel hanging out of his mouth, drawing boos from the crowd, and cheers from his boosters.

Favorite Matches:
Eddie Mayfield vs. Evan Aho (CSWA)
Eddie Mayfield vs. JT Tyler Towel Match (IWC)
Eddie Mayfield vs. ARES (SWA)
PROFESSIONALS vs. Simply Stunning vs. Evan Aho & Shane Southern (CSWA)


Recent Quote:

Roleplay Sample: