Wrestler Name:
JJ HardKnockz
6'5' Weight:235lbs
St. Louis, MO
HeadStrong by Trapt
Trisha Fears
Background Information:
Born in St. Louis, Mo JJ always knows bout the school of hardknockz it was never easy. Being the youngest of 6 siblings he always had to fight to for his place in life. A amazing Football standout and 2x state wrestling champ at Hazelwood West High School, His strenght on the mat and the field, earn his way the the University of Miami, where in played football and wrestle. Thats when he decided to wrestle professionally at the end of his senior year he join ICW and as a rookie capture all the titles, most impressive was at Hell on Earth pay per view in his home town. Where he the ICW World heavyweight championship in a triple threat, triple cage match against the Ultimo Dragon and Will Damage. After that win the pres of CSWA had have this explosive youngster, He made his way to CSWA Hardknockz, is looking forward to causing chaos and havoc in the CSWA. His only goal to one day be CSWA World Heavyweight and will not stop until he has that strap over his shoulder and now with Trisha Fears(JJ Hardknockz on again off again girlfriend/manger) by his side nothing is going to stop him
Appearance: Black male, muscular very tone, Tattoo of the saying Hard Life on his back, Black Leather pants, Gold chain w/ a gold lock oakley sunglasses, short black hair eye hazel eyes
Titles Held:
ICW World Heavyweight Champion, ICW Intercontinental Champion, ICW Euroasia Champ,(So call Eurocontinental Champ)ICW Tag Team Champion w/ Tater Too Hype, ICW Hardcore champion. 2002 Brawl for all winner, and 2002 Man
Finishing Move:
A Hard Knock Life
Finishing Move Description:
TestDrive- Old shake rattle and roll, and the roll of the dice
Setup Move:
Clothline from hell
Setup Move Description:
Typical Moves:
Chokeslam, rollin thunder, spear, Canadian backbreaker, crossface, angle slam, sharpshooter, Asai Moonsault, Springboard moonsault, Clothline from hell, High Dropkick, high knees, heel kick, Spinning heel kick, powerbomb, jackhammer, gorilla military press, the finger, stunner, angle lock, F-5, taraulta, Haus of pain, knock out, Hard Punch,RKO, Flying hangtime elbow drop
Handlers Name:
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
Wrestler's Entrance Description:
Music plays, as pryos goes off out explosion he jump out from the ramp, plays to the crowd, Jumps onto the ring apron as soon as his feet touch down all 4 post explode with pyros. Climbs the ring post and showsoff flexes muscles
Favorite Matches:
Ladder, Cage, Elmination Chamber, Hell in a Cell, TLC, Table, singles, Street Fight, Hardcore
You dont wanna play hard ball with me
Recent Quote:
Roleplay Sample:
You dont wanna play hard ball with me