Wrestler Name:
Luchadore X
6'0 Weight:180
Venice Beach, CA
Rockin'Rocks by Powderfinger
Background Information:
Do you believe in fate? Lucha Américo Caio Del Rocha or simply Luchadore X does.
Ever since my parents migrated from Rio De Jeneiro, Brazil to a place called Venice Beach, California I have believed in fate. What was my fate you ask? To grow up to become one of the best professional wrestlers that ever lived.
My father, Juan was a tailor back in the old country. He worked hard to support my mother and older sister as best he could, however things where getting bad. Poverty had taken control in our village so my parents moved in to the city in order to find better living and working conditions. All was well for a short time until my mother became pregnant with me. My father could not support an expanding family even with his new job in the city. So he did what he could do, saved every penny a bought three tickets to a place called Venice Beach in California. My mother thought the new country was called California and named me Caio in honor of the sacrifice my father had borne so I might yet exist. The later she was told it was America hence Américo.
My father started his own authentic “Brazilian” tailor shop, which is where he learnt he could play off of his nationality and the American’s would buy it up, no matter how much he charged. But this was all planed in the greater picture as a means to get my father and mother to see Lucha Libre. Upon migrating my parents had trouble with the language and reverted to doing everything in Spanish and Portuguese. Even TV, which takes me to the moment my fate, was decided. My mother had come across a kind of sport played out in a ring while bored one evening. It was called Lucha Libre and my family would become super fans of the sport. Every night they would sit down and a group and watch the aerial and tactical skill of these men who funny tights. My mother being all about symbolism decided that she would call me Lucha as well to mark the passion, which flowed with in my family.
One bright starry night, on July 1st 1983 I was born and my destiny yet unfulfilled. I mean its not like I had a choice everywhere I turned Lucha Lirbre would be there, staring at me, mocking me. My father begun to make costumes and masks from the moment I was born. And he ending up becoming pretty successful in the end. So I was to grow up in a rich Brazilian family whose passion was not for football but Lucha Libre.
When I turned 13 years of age my father decided I had become a man and gave me my first mask, which I still have today. It was a constant reminder of what path destiny had obviously chosen for me to walk. And so a year later I decided it was time to walk that path and become a Luchadore.
[Note: Work In Progress]
Titles Held:
Finishing Move:
Divine Dream Transmission
Finishing Move Description:
Tilt-a-Whirl Satellite DDT
Setup Move:
Any Move
Setup Move Description:
Typical Moves:
Coming Sooner.
Handlers Name:
Marc Del Rocha
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
Wrestler's Entrance Description:
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