Wrestler Name:
Nathan Cross

Height: 6'2" Weight:230

Hometown: Ashbury Park in San Fran, CA

Alignment: Neutral

Alignment: "Learn to Crawl" by Black Lab

Alignment: n/a

Background Information:
Nathan Cross has entered the CSWA, fresh out of wrestling school. Since he was 16, and he learned a secret about his family, he has made it his mission to be a wrestler for the CSWA. He grew up in a single parent home in Ashbury Park, a famous "hippie" gathering place in San Francisco, CA.

He combines basic technical skill, as is expected from a new wrestler. He adds some flare by tossing in some high risk moves. His style, right now, mixes the basics of technical wrestling with the basics of high flying. With each match, he has made it his goal to add a bit to his repertoire.

Titles Held:

Finishing Move:
In the Cross-hair

Finishing Move Description:
Springboard Asai Moonsault (inside the ring... like the Lionsault)

Setup Move:
aCROSS the world

Setup Move Description:

Typical Moves:
Hip toss
Arm drag
Japanese Arm drag
Flying bulldog
Front layout Inverted DDT
Top Rope: Missle Dropkick, Elbow Drop, Flying Back elbow
SPringboard: Back Elbow, Clothesline, High Leg Clothesline

Handlers Name:
Nathan Cross

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:

Wrestler's Entrance Description:
"Learning to Crawl" by Black Lab blares over the PA. Nathan Cross steps through the curtain, stops at the top of the ramp, and takes in the crowd. He smiles, and then makes his way to the ring. He leaps onto the apron, climbs to the top rope, jumps off, springs on the rope, and then backflips into the ring. He gathers himself, and then looks around at the crowd.

Favorite Matches:


Recent Quote:

Roleplay Sample: