Wrestler Name:
Ryp Fandango

Height: 6' 3" Weight:230 lbs.

Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina

Alignment: Face

Alignment: Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N Roses

Alignment: none

Background Information:
Being a legend has it’s drawbacks. There is nothing to strive for… there is nothing to achieve.

That is what happened to Ryp Fandango in GCW. Ryp skyrocketed to the main event status in the young federation 4 years ago, and never stepped back. For four long years, Fandango has maintained a level of competition that would break most men.

It all started in 1998 when a young rookie named Steve Green stepped into the Offices of GCW.

“Steve Green is not a wrestling name” they said…”Come up with something different”

And hence Ryp Fandango was created.

Main Entry: fan.dan.go
Pronunciation: fan-'da[ng]-(")gO
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish
Date: 1774
Inflected Form(s): plural -gos
1 : a lively Spanish or Spanish-American dance in triple time that is usually performed by a man and a woman to the accompaniment of guitar and castanets; also : music for this dance
2 : TOMFOOLERY - playful or foolish behavior

You can add another meaning to that dictionary…
3 : Hardcore; Risky;

Ryp Fandango was the Icon for Hardcore in GCW. Perhaps hardcore isn’t really the word… more like IRONMAN. Fandango would defend his hardcore title on two shows a week, to all comers… and never backed down from a challenge. Some he won, some he lost, but in the end Ryp Fandango never gave up and never backed down. On any given day, any one man can defeat another depending on the environment. Fandango lives by this statement, and is constantly aware of his surroundings, often using it to his advantage.

He is a risk taker, a high-flyer, and his roots and discipline lay with the element of surprise. The Master of the Ryp Cord, a devastating modified reverse neckbreaker that plants it’s victims face first into the ground.

Ryp is a righteous man. He fights for what is just, and despises selfish, arrogant people. Sometimes his confidence in himself can be misconstrued as conceit by others.

Ryp is a handsome man; he was dubbed the “Caucasian Sensation” by some of his contemporaries in the early days of GCW because of his effect on the ladies.

His ring attire is merely his Red Adidas work out pants and his wrestling shoes.

Titles Held:
- 4 time GCW Universal Champion -
- 7 time and longest Reigning GCW Hardcore champion ever -
- 4 time GCW Tag Team Champion -

Finishing Move:
Ryp Cord

Finishing Move Description:
a devastating modified reverse neckbreaker that plants it’s victims face first into the ground

Setup Move:

Setup Move Description:

Typical Moves:
missle drop kick
flying elbow
figure four leg lock
top rope leg drop
monkey flip toss

Handlers Name:
Brad Thomas

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:

Wrestler's Entrance Description:
The lights go dim…

“Welcome to the Jungle” – by Guns N Roses begins to play…

The screeching of Axle Rose is heard throughout the arena as a Red stylized R pulsates on the large screen – At the Climax, a large computer generated Shark chomps the R into oblivion.

“Welcome to the Jungle, We’ve got fun n games…”

Monotone pictures of Ryp Fandango standing flash from different angles…

Ryp Fandango emerges from the entrance ramp to a chorus of cheers from the fans… He runs full speed down the isle slapping hands all the way and slides into the ring face first…

*** either one of two things happens now –

1) if the opponent is in the ring already, he immediately starts exchanging punches,

2) If he is the first into the ring he paces around the ring in anxious anticipation, eyes fixed on the entrance ramp, and as the opponent enters the ring, he immediately attacks and exchanges punches…

Favorite Matches:

"The Caucasian Sensation is Sweeping the Nation." "Let's Dance."

Recent Quote:

Roleplay Sample: