Wrestler Name:

Real Name: J.A., The Anglo Luchador

Height: 6' Weight:215 and 3/8 lbs.

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Enterance Music: "Eat the Rich" Fozzy

Alignment: Face

Background Information:
Appearance: Full length tights with varying designs on them, big boots that go halfway up the shins, elbow pads, wrist tape, lucha mask. Slender, not overly bulky, but defined musculature. Hardly any body fat.

History: From birth, JA was destined to be a wrestler. He trained with his wrestling family (the famous fighting Anonymouses) until he graduated high school, where he went on a road trip to train in the Hart Family Dungeon. He trained with Stu Hart and his sons and nephews, as well as with Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit and other alums who’d come back for guest visits. Joined up Stampede, where he teamed with fellow Hart Dungeon trainee Liquid Snake. Left Stampede after a year and a half and toured the world, wrestling in Europe, Japan and Mexico as well as stateside. Returned home to Philadelphia to participate in local promotions before signing with A1E in late 2000. Won the prestigious Canadian Tag Team Tournament with brother Benoitholic before debuting in A1E. A1E career was checkered. Met back up with Liquid Snake here and had several memorable matches with him. I won’t bore you with the entire A1E history, but JA has an extensive history with Beast. Left A1E and joined MBE:UX in its dying days. Retired from wrestling for a bit because of nagging injuries. Returned to A1E for one match only against World Champion Euclid, and is now ready to write next chapter in his history in Empire Pro. If you’re really interested in his history, click on this link.

Titles Held:
A1E Cyber Championship (2)
A1E Tag Team Championship (2, w/Euclid)
Empire Pro Intercontinental Championship


Normal Moves: -Frogsplash (called a Lionsplash when done off a ladder)
-Lucky Seven Suplex (A variant of some Joshi suplex JA grabs the victim's left arm with his right hand and pulls it across the victim's throat. He then grabs the victim's right arm with his left hand and holds it across the abdomen and through the victims legs. Then, JA goes back with a suplexing motion)
-Spinning heel kick
-Dragon suplex (snap, never as a pinning move)
-Rolling clutch pin
-Inverted Indian deathlock
-Tombstone piledriver
-Plancha over the top to the outside
-Butterfly suplex
-Knife-edge chops
-Open faced bulldog
-Pendulum backbreaker
-Mexican surfboard stretch
-Butterfly backbreaker
-Guillotine leg drop

Set up move: The Liontamer

Set up Description: Chris Jericho's Liontamer/Walls of Jericho... JA's standard submission hold

Finishing Move:
Karelin Driver

Finishing Move Description:
Voted the most dangerous move in wrestling in 2001 by the readers of PWI, it's a variation of an amateur hold by Russian great Aleksander Karelin (duh). JA grabs the victim in a gutwrench, holds him parallel to the ground while spinning him 180 degrees before dropping back and landing the victim on his neck at a sharp angle.

Recent Quote:

Manager Name: Lollipop

Description of Manager: She’s a blond bombshell with pigtails. Doesn’t accompany JA to the ring, but appears in promo sequences sometimes.


Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Tom Holzerman

Email Address:

Messenger Identity: