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Wrestler Name:
Real Name:
6'1" Weight:210
Northern Siberia Russia
Enterance Music:
Wait and Bleed Slipknot
Background Information:
Ac grew up with is brother goth in siberia. After finding his brother in a avalache that almost claimed his life he promised that he would do anything to protect his twin brother at all costs. After being discovered by a american college wrestling coach Ac and his brother attended UCLA. He and goth both goined the EWI and achieved the Tag Team titles under the name Gothac Alchamy. When he failed to save his brother from injury during a match in the EWI he conditioned his body to avenge their disgrace.
Titles Held:
EWI Tag Team Champions
Lights fade to black
cold erie wind fills the arena dim blue lights come on
Cues up Wait and bleed by Slipknot and strobe lights flash
Gothac Alchamy enters with 4 white siberian wolves
after makeing their way to the ring they perch on the turnbuckles waiting for their prey
Normal Moves:
1 hurrancurrana
2 ausi moonsault
3 arm bar
4 snap mare
5 tripple kick
6 spinning back kick
7 sleeper hold
8 figure four
9 surfboard
10 tight rope walk with hurrancurrana
11 DDT
12 neak breaker
13 recliner
14 cork screw pile driver
15 power punch
16 frog splash
17 drop kick
18 obscure wing(Kempo Form)
19 delayed sword (Kempo Form)
20 Sreaming orgamsim
Set up move:
Skyscraper DDT
Set up Description:
Ac puts them in the air like a skyscraper but then executes a DDT instead
Finishing Move:
Alchamaic Drop
Finishing Move Description:
One executes top rope hurrancurrana, then the other folows up with a top rope Ausi Moonsault
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