Wrestler Name:
Aitsu Sugawara
Real Name:
5'3" Weight:120 lbs.
Kyoto, Japan
Enterance Music:
'Ba Kkwo'
Background Information:
Physical Description: Short Japanese girl w/ obvious Asian features. Dark brown eyes, though she will wear violet contacts every so often. She has long black hair, which is never down but styled with either a pony tail or a bun. She usually wears the robes of her Shrine, but never during a match (they hold her down). And only during Pay Per Views does she wear the white facepaint.
Background History: Aitsu Sugawara (in Japan it is custom that you put your last name first, so by American standards, her name is Sugawara Aitsu) was a Shrine Maiden most of her life, at lesat during the daytime. She loved her home country but seeked better work and a better future in America. So at night, she was model, until an American agent found her. She was then sent to America, where she was given the job to valet for several wrestlers. One of which trained her in the style of Lucha Libre, and so when she broke off on her own, she decided to become a wrestler of the Lucha Libre style. She's very happy to be one her own, even though she wouldn't mind a guy to lean on. But when it comes down to a date or a match, she'll chose a match anyday.
Titles Held:
'Ba Kkwo' hits the PA system, and as the sirens start, Sugawara cartwheels down the ramp, right through the red and white pyro. She hits the bottom of the ramp with a backflip, stopping and posing for a few seconds, head-banging to the loud techno beat.
As the ring announcer announces her stats, Suga dives through the middle rope, samursalting and striking yet another pose. Then she climbs the turnbuckle, posing and taunting her fans. Once off of the turnbuckle, she stripes from the robes of her Shrine, wearing a casual tank top with shorts.
Normal Moves:
Drop toe-hold
Asai Moonsault
Suicide Dive
Missile Dropkick
Spin Heel Kick
Corckscrew Plancha
Thesz Press
Tornado DDT
(Super) Bulldog
Guillontine Legdrop
Headscissor Take-Over
Yash-Yasha Driver (Juvi Driver)
Swanton Splash
Set up move:
Drop-toe hold into turnbuckle
Set up Description:
Finishing Move:
Finishing Move Description:
Drop toe-holds opponent into top second turnbuckle, backs up as they're a bit dizzy, and cartwheels, landing on opponent's shoulders and twisting around into a Hurricanarana Roll-Up.
Recent Quote:
Manager Name:
Description of Manager:
Wrestler's Image:
Handlers Name:
Stacey LeBlanc
Email Address:
Messenger Identity: