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Wrestler Name:
"Career Ender" Chris Lehew

Real Name: Chris Lehew

Height: 6'4 Weight:240

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Enterance Music: "Greed" by Godsmack

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
Chris Lehew is the son of VERY successful businessman, William Lehew, and has always enjoyed a life of luxury. Several years ago, he hired a personal trainer and began training to become a wrestler. He specialized in a variety of high-flying and technical moves, a potent combination. Usually, he enters the ring wearing midnight black cargo pants, and a skin-tight purple shirt, his family crest stamped on it in silver. Chris Lehew has short, spiked, raven black hair, a slender, but muscular build, and flawless skin. He entered the EWI hoping to make his champion dreans come true, while making a name for himself. He entered with a bang, getting several title shots against people like Evan Aho early on. Shortly after entering the EWI he aligned himself with SSN, and was never far away from his fellow cohorts. After the SSN 'reign of terror' ended, he split from the former members almost entirely…all the members except Cole Steele, that is. They had a small tag team for a short amount of time, but alas, the team dissolved and the two haven't spoken since.

His nickname, "Career Ender" comes from his first opponent...Lars Magellan... whom quit the EWI shortly after his match with Lehew. He's severely injured and ended the careers of many people, jobber and main eventer alike, since then. About a year ago more of Lehew's past became public, as Zero has revealed his history with Lehew. Both were childhood friends of sorts, who split apart in high school. Lehew, while a friend of Zero's when they were alone, never wanted to associate with Zero when his 'Posse' of 'Popular' people came around. They've hated each other since a certain incident, where Zero punched Lehew in the face. When the EWI and the NthWA merged, both Lehew and Zero stayed into the GXW, continuing their brutal feud. After a short love triangle between these two, with Lehew's girlfriend Kristina, Lehew dropped Zero out of a skybox to win the GXW TV title. Kristina then betrayed Zero and went back with Lehew where she remains to this day. Zero was out of the GXW for months and wasn't even supposed to be able to walk.

Since then Lehew's career has had many peaks and valleys, including vicious beatings and betrayals by Jeffrey Roberts and Rob Sampson, and winning the Continental Title from Sampson. Lehew has grown increasingly frustrated with said valleys in his life, as of late, and has been known to take out his frustration by attempting to severely injure his opponents.

Titles Held:
1/2 of GXW TV Tag titles (5/04/2001 - 6/21/2001 - w/ Zero)
GXW Television title (7/29/01 - 12/6/2001)
GXW Continental title (2/19/02 - 3/10/02)

Enterance: The words "All that Glitters; Chris Lehew" fade in on the X-treme screen before the screen is flooded with a montage of Chris Lehew highlights including his title victories and him dropping Zero out of a sky box onto a flaming table. "Greed" cues up as Lehew walks down the ramp, gold and purple pyro going off one step behind him as he moves.

Normal Moves: Swinging neckbreaker
missile dropkick
twisting body attack
450 splash
twisting senton splash
guillotine leg drop
dragon screw leg whip
head scissor take down
Swinging Bulldog
Northern Lights suplex w/ bridgepin

Set up move: Irish whip/none required

Set up Description: Exactly like it sounds.

Finishing Move:

Finishing Move Description:
Lehew catches his opponent on the rebound from the irish whip with a samurai driver.

Recent Quote:

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:
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Handlers Name:
Zach Malmgren

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
AIM: Powerjawa. MSN: I dunno. Some people do, though. Ask them, cause I honostly dunno it

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