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Wrestler Name:
Dallas Winston

Real Name: 'The Messiah'

Height: 6'3" Weight:236

Hometown: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Enterance Music: "Till I Collapse" by Eminem

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:

Titles Held:
Former- SCW Superior Champion, (2x) SCW International Champion, SCW Tag Champion, SCW Extreme Champion...

Enterance: [["Till I Collapse" by Eminem blast over the PA system as out from behind the curtian walks 'The Messiah' Dallas Winston and Irvin R. Simmons... They stand on the entry way and take in all the boos before strolling down to ringside... Winston slides in as Simmons uses the ring steps... They enter the ring as Winston taunts the fans for a moment... then bounces off of the ropes a couple of times as he looks ready to go...]]

Normal Moves: 1. Figure Four (patent)
2. Punches, Kicks...
3. Dropkick variations...
4. Suplexes...
5. DDT's...
6. 3/4 neckbreaker...
7. Sleeper hold...
8. Other Submission type moves...
9. Eye Gouges...
10. Low Blows...
11. Rollup manuevers...

Set up move: Messianic Twist

Set up Description: Twist of Fate type move, performed by the Hardyz... Can be used as a finisher, but mostly is a setup...

Finishing Move:
'The Messiah's Touch'

Finishing Move Description:
Frog Splash off the top... Usually after the Messianic Twist... But he will pull it off at any time of the match...

Recent Quote: "D@MN I'M GOOD!!!"

Manager Name: Irvin R. Simmons

Description of Manager: A older black man, about 6'5" 250 pounds. He is pretty built, but never wrestles. He is usually decked out in three piece suits, and he is the lawyer/manager of 'The Messiah' Dallas Winston...

"D@MN I'M GOOD!!!"

Wrestler's Image:
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