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Height: 6'7" Weight:265

Hometown: Hell's Mouth

Enterance Music: Sweet Dreams by Marylin Manson

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
The Myth, The Man, The Monster has step into GXW. Coming from the Hell's Mouth of the Earth. He is here to cause Havoc in the GXW. Wheres a Kane like mask since his face was badly destroy in a car accident that nearly took his life. So He hid it behind the mask, where the evil began to grow. He was ban from wrestling in the US for nearly killing an opponent. He took the term death match too seriously. So for 3 years he wrestled in Japan and over in Mexico where he learn to combine his size and power with speed and agility. Which Death even more deadly. After his ban was lift a tip inside the GXW Camp gave Death an invite. What is hes intentions is it to win gold, or destroy the GXW superstars we will only know. The only one that can control him is his manger Trisha Fears, who is the girlfriend of JJ hardknockz, What relations is Death to Fears who knows.

Appearance: Black Cornrows, Wears a black mask w/ 3 scratch marks going across the face. Tribal tattoo all over the body front and back to the arms. Black Tights w/ fire flames on the tights and black boots

Titles Held:
JPWCW Heavyweight Champion, Mexico-panamerican Champ. JPWCW Hardcore champion

Enterance: Lights go out in the arena. the Sweets Dreams plays over PA system then a bust of fire from the entry way, wheres smoke comes out and the lights fliker. He is lead to the ring by his manger Trisha Fears. He wheres a Red Cloth Robe with black trim.

Normal Moves: Chokeslam, Haymaker, Double leg, Swinging DDT, Spear, High Knees, Short arm clothsline, Hangtime suplex, Snap suplex, drop kick to the face, Powerbomb, Lionsault, Medevil Slam, RKO, Texas Cloverleaf, Avalanche, back drop. DDDT

Set up move: Death Drop

Set up Description: Reverse DDT

Finishing Move:
Death From Above

Finishing Move Description:
Swanton Bomb

Recent Quote:

Manager Name: Trisha Fears

Description of Manager:


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