Wrestler Name:
Eric Gibson
Real Name:
The "Marauder"
6'6 Weight:272 lb.
Enterance Music:
"Deeper into You" by TRUSTcompany
Background Information:
History: Eric's past in the sport is widly known-a former member of both the Mechanical Animals and the Rogue Horsemen, the man who ended the Reaver's first and longest regin as the Super Japan Pro Wrestling champion among many other things. A long time member of the Superior Championship Wrestling roster-Eric left the federation for Extreme Wrestling Incorporated shortly before the federation's merger into GXW. However, the young superstar and his manager/girlfriend where in a car wreck and could not particpate in the matches that would serve as the critical moments for the MA and has since left that stable. Following a brief attempt at a return to GXW, Eric disappeared from the wrestling circuit...
Recently, during the last few weeks of the existance of the Omega Wrestling Alliance-Eric Gibson made a startling and brutal return to the ring with Gina Lewis by his side, winning the OWA Brass Knuckles title on two seperate occasions along with two other titles. He has since signed up with the eNWA as well as made a partial return to GXW as a road-agent as well as a wrestler...
Profile: Eric was once the enforcer of the Rogue Horsemen, the Coven, the Fearsome Four, the Network and a couple of other stables as well as just a thug. He has since moved past that part of his career and is now considered to be one of the true Technical Brawlers in the sport.
Titles Held:
ICWA US Tag Team Titles: 3
ICWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title
WICW US Heavyweight Title: 2
WICW World Heavyweight title: 2
R*Y*U Brass Knuckles Tag Team Titles: 2
R*Y*U Street Fighting Tag Team Titles: 2
R*Y*U Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Title: 3
SJPW World Heavyweight Title: 4
SJPW International Tag Team Titles: 8
SJPW All-Asia Heavyweight Title: 2
NeWA Texas Regional Heavyweight Title
ECWA World Tag Team Titles: 3 (Retired and 3rd reign he was Undefeated)
ECWA Extreme Tag Team Titles: 2
ECWA TV Heavyweight Champion: 2
ECWA Light Heavyweight Champion
SWA Unified Tag Team Champion: 3
FWA World Tag Team Champions: 3
FWA US Tag Team Champions: 3
FWA World Heavyweight Champion: 2
FWA International Heavyweight Champion: 4
FWA Television Heavyweight Champion: 2
FWA Hardcore Champion: 3
SCW Superior Heavyweight Champion
SCW United States Champion
PCW Central States Heavyweight Champion: 2
OWA World Heavyweight Title
OWA Brass Knuckles Heavyweight Title: 3
OWA World Tag Team Titles: 2
OWA Brass Knuckles Tag Team Titles
eNWA/XPW Heavyweight title (x2)
eNWA/XPW Tag Team titles
Normal Moves:
1. “Firestorm Frogsplash” (Five Star Frog Splash)
2. “Otherside” (Nightmare on Helm’s Street)
3. “Overdose Slam” (Over the shoulder Spinebuster)
4. “Fatal Fury” (Off the Top Rope Powerbomb)
5. Kidd Crusher
6. Inverted Death Valley Driver
7. Spinning Neckbreaker
8. Cradle Piledriver
9. Head Claw
10. Sitting Figure Four Leg-Lock
11. Fireman’s Carry into a Face-First Suplex
12. Ace Crusher/Diamond Cutter
13. Spear
14. Jackhammer
15. Gorilla Press Slam
16. Clothesline from Hell
17. Superkick
18. Forearm/Elbow Smash
19. Greetings from Asbury Park
20. Elevated/Gangrel DDT
21. Crippler Crossface
22. Axe-Kick
23. Double Arm DDT
24. Choke-Slam
25. Delayed Powerslam (British Bulldog-type Powerslam)
Set up move:
The "Payback"
Set up Description:
The "Payback" is a Rock Bottom
Finishing Move:
The "Nightmare"
Finishing Move Description:
The "Nightmare" is basically a 2 Handed Sitting Chokeslam or the Baldo Bomb that Albert uses in the WWE
Recent Quote:
Manager Name:
Gina Lewis
Description of Manager:
see the image at
Wrestler's Image:
Handlers Name:
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
gxwmarauder (AIM), great_sasuke (Yahoo Messanger)