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Wrestler Name:
Gothac Alchamy

Real Name: Goth/Ac

Height: 6'/6"3 Weight:200/220

Hometown: Notheren Siberia Russia

Enterance Music: Forsaken by David Draiman

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:
Living in Siberia Goth was athleticaly competitive especially with his brother Alexi. A near death experience transformed him into the person he is today. A avalance would have killed him if it were not for a pack of wolves who kept him worm and fed until his father and brother arrived.

Goth is only 6' tall but still can put some strong men to shame. He has long brown hair down past his shoulders and has a wolf face tattooed over his making him look like a wolf. Ac is 6'2" slightly larger than his twin brother he is definatly the muscle of the two. He has respect for the winter bears that inhabet their native region. Having many encounters with these creatrues Ac grew up emence care and respect that these massive creatures deserve. He has a tattoo of a Siberian bear on his back. At a quick glace one would think of him as a bear through his actions and his looks.

While wrestling in a russian high school they were picked up by a American wrestling coach who happened to be vacationing in russia. With promises of a higher education they moved to UCLA and obtained their degrees. Goth persued studies in physical education and English. Ac persued a leasure study progroam where he studied everything from Phys Ed to Chemistry.

Both Goth and Ac love to cook in their spare time. Compiling a Russian cook book of all of the differnt regions of Russia they hope to have it published and used in the CIA (Culinary Institute of America).

They also spend a lot of time training and keeping their physical prowless on thier peak. They have constructed a private ring at the US home of San Francisco.

While in college they enrolled in the EWI where they obtained startem and obtained the EWI Tag Team tiltle in 1999. And now they are here to wrestle for the GXW.

Titles Held:
EWI Tag Team Champions

Enterance: Cue up Foraken

I'm over it
You see I'm falling in the black obyss
Clouded by memories of the past
At last, I see

I hear it fading
I can't speak it
Unless you will dig my grave
We fear them finding
Always winding
Take my hand now
Be alive

The light go out exept this one lone black light in the entrance way. Goth and Ac enter with a pack of white siberian wolves. Wearing long flowing cloaks that hit the floor. There eyes are lit up like wolves eyes at night.

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

I'm over it
Why can't we be together
Erase it
Sleeping so long
Taking up the mass
At last, I see

Goth and Ac raise there arms in a crusifix style and look up at the crowd.

I hear it fading
I can't speak it
Unless you will dig my grave
We fear them finding
Always winding
Take my hand now
Be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

They slowley make there way to the ring. When they get there the light go out.

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

Everyone [fading out]

When the light come back on you see Goth and Ac on same side turn buckles waiting to strike!

Normal Moves: 1 arm bar
2 hurrancurrana
3 ausi moonsalt
4 snap mare
5 toe drop
6 tripple kick
7 knife chop
8 super punch
9 powerbomb
10 pile driver
11 russian suplex
12 rolling suplex
13 slingshot
14 shoulder driver
15 pedagree
16 back breaker
17 bull dog
18 dragonsleeper
19 figure 4
20 screaming orgasim (modified upside down surfboard)

Tag Moves
1 gothac driver: Version of a spinning DDT
2 Avalanche: Ac whips opponent to rope and lunches them into the air and goth exacutes a neak breaker

Set up move: super round house

Set up Description: goth or ac will spin and kick thier opponents into the turnbuckle

Finishing Move:
Alcamaic Drop

Finishing Move Description:
goth or ac takes their opponent to the turnbuckle lifts them to the top rope and executes a super hurrancurrana then the other will follow up with a top rope ausi moonsalt

Recent Quote:

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:

live once, play harder

Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.

Handlers Name:
durk warrick

Email Address:

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