Wrestler Name:

Real Name:

Height: 6'2" Weight:230 lbs

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Enterance Music: "Conflict" by Disturbed

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:
Inferno is slender, yet his muscles are toned and finely cut. He stands at roughly 6'2, 6'3". His eyes are a deep and dark brown, which looks to be more or less actually black, his iris and pupil blending to one color. His hair is short cut and cropped, spiked up and forward with blonde highlights streaking it's natural brown color. His face is covered by a natural five oclock shadow. He wears simple jeans, baggy, and held at the waist by a black belt. A wife beater, tucked in to the jeans, fits his form perfectly, showing off his cut physique.

Inferno has been at the game for a few years now. He has been through countless promotions and considers himself a veteran wrestler. Started out in NBW which was closed down before he was able to have his first match. Moved on to EHW where he quickly moved into stardom for his hardcore escapades and phenomenal tag team manuevers with his once-tag team partner, Iceman, who is now known as John Miller in the wrestling promotion, GXW. He held several titles through that promotions short reign. Upon it's closing, Inferno drifted around, going through several promotions and picking up several titles on the way. Found his way to the NthWA where he hit mainstream spotlight and gained in babyfaced popularity. Became a big time fan favorite by beating Mr. Friday Night for the Cruiserweight Title. Lost the title to Jeffery Roberts, whom he had some of his greatest matches in (and incidentally, some people say that the Jeffery Roberts/Inferno ladder match was one of the greatests of all time) shortly before the promotion shut down. He thought that was it for him until he was contacted by Chad Dupree, the Nth's owner and EWI's new commisioner about joing the EWI. Gained in popularity there, though never made it back to where he once was in the NthWA. Inferno is now joining the GXW after the NthWA/EWI merger and is hoping to prove himself to the fans, to the wrestlers, and to himself, and to attain the greatness he once had back in the old NthWA. After a debilitating neck injury, Inferno, after six months of hospitalization and intensive physical raining, was ready to get back into the ring with the GXW. In recent months, Inferno has made his comeback to the GXW by coming from the crowd to make a save on one time best-friend and tag-partner turned nemisis, John Miller. It looked as though the two would reform Fire & Ice and become tag partners again, but a week later, Inferno had different and more sinister intentions in mind when he came out and cost Miller his Continental Title to one Rob Sampson. Inferno is currently considered a heel who recieves boos from the newer fans. Many die-hard Inferno fans still linger, but the newer generation do not approve of his recent actions. He is now the third member of Xtreme Tendencies, a group consisting of "Mr. Main Event" Rob Sampson, Jeffery Roberts, The Night Cripplers, and himself.

Titles Held:
Two time EHW Ironman (hardcore) champ, two time EHW Tag champ, EHW Ironman Tag champ, WWW World Champ, SWF World Champ, EWW Cruiser champ, NthWA Tag Team champ, NthWA Cruiserweight Champ, EWI Cruiserweight champ.

Enterance: (The lights are cut, suddenly plunging the area into darkness. Thousands of flashbulbs go off in anticipation as "Conflict" by Disturbed is heard over the house speakers. Angry red flames sprout from the ring posts and white-blue pyro shoots from the ramp and entry way. Inferno runs out from backstage, dashing through the pyro on his way to the ring. He wears simple clothes; baggy khaki cargo pants and a wife beater. His hair is cropped short, brown and tinged with blonde streaks, and spiked forward messily, and he wears black fingerless gloves. In his right hand he grasps a baseball bat tightly. He slides into the ring and moves to one of the corners opposite the entrance ramp.)

First out: (As the music fades out and the lights slowly brighten, Inferno moves to sit atop one of the top turnbuckles, facing the entrance, and awaiting his opponent.)

Last: (He wastes no time, going quickly to work on his opponent with a series of right handed punches before his music even has a chance to die away.)

Normal Moves: 1. Spinning Leg Lariat
2. Side-crecent Kick
3. Rising Knee in corner
4. Hurricanrana
5. Released German Suplex
6. Tiger Driver
7. Asai moonsault
8. Splitlegged moonsault
9. Released Cradle DDT
10. Cradle DDT

Set up move: Released German Suplex

Set up Description: Exactly what it says. A released german suplex, only aimed towards the corner turnbuckle. Ouch.

Finishing Move:
Inferno Drop

Finishing Move Description:
Powerbomb into top turnbuckle. (Has opponent in the corner, gets him up for a powerbomb and slams him into the top turnbuckle. Opponent then slumps down into a sitting position before Inferno drags them away from corner and pins them.)

Recent Quote:

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Bob Barton

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
AIM: USNBarton

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