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Wrestler Name:
Jeffrey Roberts
Real Name:
6'4" Weight:235
Miami, FL
Enterance Music:
Down With the Sickness - Disturbed
Background Information:
Wears his dark dyed black hair hanging loosely down with a black and red singlet. Prone to wild mood swings, one moment a jokester and the next a madman. Lately has been more serious and dark. After a successful albeit short stint in the heavyweight division in the EWI, returned to the NthWA cruiser ranks to go after his old nemesis, Jesse Falcon. Shocked fans with his return to GXW under the guise of a fresh faced babyface gimmick. The newly found attitude soon proved to be a ruse, however as he was revealed as the man behind several vicious attacks on Chris Lehew. Won the GXW Television title from Lehew when Lehew's partner Rob Sampson turned on him, revealing the formation of Extreme Tendencies. Was involved in a brutal cage match, tagging with Rob Sampson against Kendall Codine and Eric Davis at Fallout 2002.
Titles Held:
NthWA World Cruiserweight Title, EWI Intercontinental Title, GXW Television Title.
Normal Moves:
running powerbomb
450 splash
dragon corkscrew plancha
powerbomb flipover into a pin
flying clothesline
Texas cloverleaf
slingshot somersault legdrop
belly to belly suplex
belly to back suplex
head and arm suplex
german suplex
dragon suplex
jumping DDT
figure four leglock
missile dropkick
shooting star press
Set up move:
Running Liger Bomb
Set up Description:
running layout powerbomb
Finishing Move:
Shooting Star Guillotine
Finishing Move Description:
shooting star press ending with a knee across the throat
Recent Quote:
Manager Name:
Description of Manager:
Wrestler's Image:
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Handlers Name:
Dave Brunk
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
dbrunk211 - AIM