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Wrestler Name:
Karla Starr

Real Name: N/A

Height: 5'10' Weight:130 lbs.

Hometown: Boston, Mass.

Enterance Music: "Lying From You" by Linken Park

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:
From top to bottom, a woman of beauty. Waist-length, straight, Black hair, Karla wears Belly-Button shirts, tight pants, sometimes just enough to show off a well-placed Moon and Star tattoo on her right hip. However, despite her voluptuous image, Karla does not have the slightest intent to portray that image. Being a smart girl, she has pulled excellent grades throughout her High School and College years but thus far has been relatively quiet as far as rumors go. However one rumor is that one athlete on the GXW Roster made a call to Co-Owners Chad Dupree, and Erik Zieba. Who was one knows. Not even the owners have by granted permission of Anonymity, an idea of who that person is.

Titles Held:

Enterance: N/A

Normal Moves: Hurricanrana, Spinning-Neck Breaker, Bulldog, flying head-scissors-takedown, clothesline, foot-choke in the corner (i.e. Kevin Nash), DDT, Powerslam, tilt-a-whirl back breaker, Missile dropkick, Boston Crab, STF.

Set up move: Moonshot

Set up Description: Superkick

Finishing Move:
Morning Starr

Finishing Move Description:
Moonsault of the top.

Recent Quote:

Manager Name: N/A

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.

Handlers Name:
Tom Siegel and Jennifer Butler

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
Cameron Cruise and Jenger1020