Wrestler Name:
Marcus Wood
Real Name:
6'4 Weight:254
Washingtong D.C.
Enterance Music:
"Pain" 2pac
Background Information:
Marcus Wood was born in Washington D.C. on January 5 1979. He didn’t live the easiest of lives growing up and was out living on his own doing whatever he could to eat everyday and have a warm place to sleep at night. Marcus started to get into underground boxing leagues to earn a living. He rose to the top of that scene rather quickly, but there wasn’t enough money in it for him. It was there though, that he met people who had connections in the professional wrestling world. So he decided to give wrestling a shot, and the rest is history.
Marcus has always been considered a great wrestler, but no matter what happened to him he always found a way to shoot himself in the foot before he made that final step into superstardom. He has all the tools to get the job done, and he knows it. If he keeps his head straight, he will be a big threat to anyone that stands opposite from him in the ring.
Marcus is a black man, with a very muscular physic that you can tell has years of work put into it. His eye color is hazel and has black hair. When he wrestles he’ll usually be wearing a pair of sweat pants and boots, or whatever is easiest to move around it.
With incredible hand speed and very impressive technical speed, Marcus has always been able to put on a good show in the ring. His only problem is, his attitude gets in the way a lot. He thinks he’s above pretty much everyone, and he’ll make some mistakes because of it; whether verbally or in the ring. He isn’t scared to pick a fight with anyone and given the chance he’d pick on with everyone.
Titles Held:
I'll have one up soon
Normal Moves:
Marcus uses a wide variety of suplexes and submission holds. He'll also show off his fast hands by throwing random punches to the stomach and head when he's got his opponent in the corner. He also uses a dragon sleeper that he may use to end matches sometimes.
Set up move:
whip to the ropes (sometimes, with bigger opponents)
Set up Description:
.....he whips his opponent into the ropes
Finishing Move:
The Final Word
Finishing Move Description:
Marcus waits for his opponent to bounce back from the ropes, he then lifts them in the air in a gorilla press. He turns them in air to bring them down with a face buster. If he's wrestling someone that isn't to heavy for him to simply pick up he wont bother with throwing them into the ropes. If the wrestler is to heavy to lift up he'll just do the face buster.
Recent Quote:
Manager Name:
Description of Manager:
Wrestler's Image:
Handlers Name:
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
mystakal js