Wrestler Name:
Max Blackshire

Real Name:

Height: 6'1 Weight:250 lbs

Hometown: Liverpool, England

Enterance Music: "Wolf at the Door (Live Version)" - Radiohead

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
pay attention. you'll learn everything you need to know.

maybe more.

Titles Held:
see above.

Enterance: coming.

Normal Moves: variations on:
the DDT.
the suplex.
the powerbomb.

suicide-style, quick-thinking high-flying maneuveurs, including but not limited to:
"no look" moonsault
spiral plancha
suicide leap

max will do as is necessary - every match, at any moment - to put the match in his favor. he will cut any corner, bend every rule. his goal is NOT to simply hold his opponents shoulders pressed to the mat for the obligatory 3 seconds. but to DEFEAT his opponent, in every way. it usually takes more than one match for Max to TRULY and DEFINITIVELY defeat his enemy.

Set up move: none

Set up Description:

Finishing Move:
Last Breath

Finishing Move Description:
a vicious variation on the crossface chickenwing that see's Max twist and choke the air out of his opponent. there are only two men known to have escaped from the Last Breath when fully applied since the hold was first debuted by Max's late brother, Cyrus, several years ago.

Recent Quote: FEAR is the MESSENGER.

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Paul Brisbin, dot com

Email Address:

Messenger Identity: