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Wrestler Name:
Mercedes Devon

Real Name:

Height: 5'11' Weight:112 lbs.

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Enterance Music: Frantic by Metallica

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:

Titles Held:

Enterance: When shes with Cameron Cruise, usually an evening gown. However when she has a scheduled match at the same time as Cruise, usually warm up pants and solid color T-shirt. When its match time however, she goes down a sleeveless solid shirt, with the same pants.

Normal Moves: See Cameron Cruise.

Set up move: Double-handed Face-Buster

Set up Description: Sit down Face Buster, like Billy Kidman's.

Also at times may be used as a finisher.

Finishing Move:

Finishing Move Description:
Over-the-shoulder-Cradle Piledriver. See Cameron Cruise.

Recent Quote:

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.

Handlers Name:
Thomas Siegel

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
Cameron Cruise