Wrestler Name:
Mike Manson

Real Name: Mike Manson

Height: 7' Weight:325 pounds

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland

Enterance Music: "I Am Hated" by Slipknot

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
Manson is tall, muscular, and ugly as sin itself. His dark eyes are always darting. He has long, greasy black hair which falls just below his shoulders. He has a black goatee. In the ring, he wears a black t-shirt and knee-length blue jean shorts. He wears black boots, and white wrist tape.

Manson has spent most of his life in the Maryland State Institute for the Criminally Insane, since he was 5 years old. He has an active diagnosis of dementia, as well as psychotic rage disorder. He has been proven by several psychiatrists to be completely incapable of feeling, or showing, remorse for his actions or the pain of others. He is a true psychopath, in the most definative sense--- he does as he pleases, and will never feel sorrow for any of it. He delights in the misfortune of others, even laughing at times at the misfortune of his manager or tag team partner. He is sadistic, vicious, and prone to outbursts of insane rage. He enjoys hurting people. He sees himself as a monster, because of the fact that he is physically and mentally incapable of feeling sorrow.

By now, Manson is becoming a veteran of professional wrestling. Now entering his 8th year as a pro, the 29 year old Manson has seen tag team and singles success across the indy circuits, and a few national organizations. In some circles, his name spreads fear among those that know him, and he loves it. He has been known to obsess over petty feuds at time, even passing up title opportunities to chase after someone who has done him wrong--- whether that wrong is real or imagined.

He met his tag team partner, The Pyromaniac, while in the institution. Upon Manson's release on his 21st birthday, Manson got into pro-wrestling. A year later, on Pyro's 21st birthday, Manson got Pyro into the business. About a year after THAT, Manson enlisted his cousin, the sadistic Steve Carey into the group as a manager. This terrible threesome would come to be known as The Outpatients, and from then on they would know almost no limits to their ruthlessness. This group would make a name for themselves as sadistic lowlifes who would enjoy the suffering they inflict on others. Although Manson is an extremely capable singles wrestler, he and Pyro make up a deadly combination. They've known each other, and wrestled with each other for years.

Manson is a large, muscular man, a sharp contrast to the out-of-shape Pyromaniac. Manson uses his size to manhandle smaller men, and when coupled with his psychological disorders makes him a force to be reckoned with.

Titles Held:
UWC Tag Team titles
UWC TV Title
UWC US Title (longest reign ever)
SSW Intercontinental Title
SSW Tag Team Titles
SSW World Title
NAWA Tag Team Titles (111 day reign)
NAWF Tag Team Titles
um, i forget the rest

Enterance: [Slipknot's "I Am Hated" assaults your eardrums over the loudspeakers, as a shower of spark appears at the entryway. As the sparks die down, three men are standing in front of the backstage curtain. As the music continues, The Outpatients and Steve Carey begin walking to the ring. Carey and The Pyromaniac roll into the ring as Mike Manson steps over the top rope. Manson glares at his opponent as Pyro talks to himself and Carey gives them some last minute instruction.]

Normal Moves: 1. Powerbomb
2. Piledriver
3. Belly to belly suplex
4. release german suplex
5. gorilla press
6. clothesline
7. chokeslam
8. kneedrop
9. punches
10. boot choke
11. swinging neckbreaker
12. belly to belly suplex

Tag team moves:
1. Manson with a gorilla press, dropped onto Pyro's knee
2. Double powerbomb
3. Spike Piledriver

Set up move: The Straight Jacket

Set up Description: This is Manson's singles finisher. A release dragon suplex. Basically, pull them up into a full nelson, and drive back a dragon suplex without a bridge.

Finishing Move:
90 Proof Powerbomb

Finishing Move Description:
This is the tag team finisher of The Outpatients. Manson picks up the opponent for a face-first powerbomb, and drops them into a Stunner by Pyro.

Recent Quote: "I don't look for violence. Violence becomes me."

Manager Name: Steve Carey

Description of Manager: Carey is a devious, deceptive, manipulative drunk with world domination plans. He is the cousin of Mike Manson, as well as the only friend of these two wastes of life. The brains behind the operation, he has a genius level IQ. Also has a God complex and believes that he is greater than any God.

Carey is about 6'3", 233 pounds. He is of smallish to average build, and wears green camoflague pants and a black tank top with black boots. He has shoulder-length blonde hair, which he keeps tied back in a ponytail. He also has a blonde mustache.

Carey, an "alleged" serial killer who was once housed at the Maryland State Institute for the Criminally Insane, was released from all of his accusations on a technicality. He enjoys strangling/choking people, particularly the opponents of his two wrestlers. He interjects himself into their matches in a variety of ways. He sees professional wrestling in much the same light that Manson and Pyro do--- a chance to legally almost kill people. However, he is so egotistical and fanatical about his own self worth that he also sees the success of The Outpatients as something of a legacy for himself.

"I am the only true monster in professional wrestling today."

Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Teddy Booze

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
AIM- uxbnkuribo