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Wrestler Name:
The Almighty Kippo

Real Name: James Kippo

Height: 5'9" Weight:165lbs

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Enterance Music: Get On Top- by the Red Hot Chillie Peppers

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
James Kippo, at the young age of 24 has been in the business for only five years, but has already held more titles, then would take a career to gain. A fourteen time world heavyweight champion, The Almighty Kippo is the living embodiment of cockiness. A near billionaire outside the ring, the chief stock holder and CEO of Almighty Industries, wrestles purely for his love of the sport. Known world wide for his pure desire to entertain the crowd, the Bringer of Great Ratings, is one of the more reckognizable faces of the industry. Called one of the pound for pound greatest wrestlers all time, The Almighty One stands 5'9" and weighs in at 165lbs, and considers himself a heavyweight. And he has the arsenal to back it up. A unique blend of Suplexes, Submissions, and Moonsaults, which are all subsequently named after himself, Kippo has the tools to get it done in the ring. Though Kippo's most dangerous asset is his mind. He is truely the thinking man's wrestler. Though if nessicary Kippo does not mind taking a short cut or two, he prefers to win honestly. Of course honestly can involve the help of others. The Master of the Kippoplex, Kippomission, and the Kipposault is a force to be reckoned with in the ring.

Titles Held:
14 times world heavyweight champion, 9 time tag team champion, 4 time hardcore champion, three way dance champion, battle royal champion.

Enterance: "Almighty I stand.....Divided YOU Fall!!" is heard across the PA system, as the lights go out. A set of purple pyro occurs over the ring. Purple and black stobes begin to flash as the light come back on. "Get On Top" by the Red Hot Chillie Peppers fills the arena. As the chorus Hits, Kippo saunters onto the entrance way. He struts his way cockily, down to ringside. The Almighty One, takes his time getting into the ring.

Normal Moves: German Kippoplex, Northern Lights Kippoplex,Camel Clutch Kippoplex (only done to truely injure opponent not in normal match) T-Bone Kippoplex, Head and Arms Kippoplex, Dragon Kippoplex, Reverse Tiger Kippoplex, Tiger Kippoplex, Half Nelson Kippoplex, Belly to Belly over the head Kippoplex, Snap Kippoplex, Standing Kipposault, Springboard Kipposault, Splitlegged Kipposault, Double jump Kipposault, The Kipposault (top rope moonsault), Almighty Asscension Kipposaults (Starts with a standing moonsault, then a bottom rope moonsault, then a second rope, then a top rope, then off of anything higher if possible.) Godlike Kipposault (opponent sets for a back body drop, Kippo does a handspring off of their back, and springboards off the top rope into a moonsault), Camel Clutch, surfboard, Dragon Sleeper, Fugiwara arm bar, Hammer lock, STF, bridging Deathlock, short arm scissors, Bow and Arrow, Mexican Surfboard, Kippo Drive (Starts off as a crusifix, but continues to spin around the shoulders into a DDT), Almighty Anarchy (as Kippodrive, but with a reverse in momentum into a reverse DDT)

Set up move: Who needs a set up?

Set up Description:

Finishing Move:
Tap This!!, The Final Chapter, Simply Almighty (PPV only)

Finishing Move Description:
Tap This!! is a modified Cross armbreaker. Kippo uses his lack of height to his advantage, tucking his opponents arm under his armpit, for extra leverage. The Final Chapter is cattle mutilation (bridging double chicken wing). Simply Almighty is a springboard into a shooting star press

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Description of Manager:

"End of Story"

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