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Wrestler Name:
"The American Nightmare" Gabriel Bane

Real Name: Gabe Bane

Height: 6'7 Weight:310 lbs

Hometown: Berkley, CA

Enterance Music: "The Great American Nightmare" -- Rob Zombie

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:
As a child, Gabriel Bane spent most of his time off by himself, exploring the world he lived in. While he looked like a loner on the outside, however, he had several friends. As he wandered the streets of Berkeley California, he got to know the ravers and druggies that lived there quite well, eventually becoming one himself. He would spend countless hours a day in some dark alley, drinking with his 'friends' until he turned 14. Shortly after he started high school, everyone who he'd grown to love in that dark alley were arrested. Gabriel, of course, was devastated, having losing his only friends. Without a source of drugs, or a ride to the raves, he was forced off the guilty pleasures he was once consumed by, and focused more on his school work then ever before. About half way through his freshman year of high school, he saw an interesting flyer on the wall of his school. A flyer encouraging him to join the schools wrestling team. He did so, fueled by the admiration of his team mates. As months passed the season was over, and he had won every match. The Teammates were now pseudo-friends. Contacts at least. He continued to wrestle each year, keeping up a C+ average. At the end of his senior year, he had once again won every match. He loved wrestling, yet was horrible at some of the more technical aspects of it it. His love of the sport led him to 'Extreme University' in southern California, one of the top pro-wrestling schools in the country. There he trained with a man by the name of 'Steven Landers,' who had once been his amateur wrestling coach. Landers taught him a series of power moves, and helped him train his bestial strength. Though known to lock on a submission move now and then, as a relic of his amateur wrestling career, he now focuses on a series of roughneck punch-combos and power moves. After a year or two of training, Landers began negotiating with several big name pro wrestling federations. After getting turned down by the NthWA, he was signed to the EWI roster by Les McCarver shortly before the SSN takeover. While technically a part of it's roster, he received no TV-time, especially after Marcus Gottfried took over. Instead, he wrestled one or two dark matches here and there, and generally sat in the locker rooms. At one EWI event, however, his bench warming became a good thing. While dozing in one of the many locker rooms, a woman by the name of 'Sheena Boyd' stumbled in, looking for wrestlers to sign autographs for her. This woman, however, was not just your average fan. Gabriel recognized her immediately as one of his old raver friends from Berkeley, and she recognized him as well. The two formed a friendship once again, and she became his 'manager' of sorts, trying to get him matches whenever possible. She was the voice of Gabriel Bane- a voice never heard before. Unfortunately, she didn't change things. Gabriel continued to wrestle rarely, though he won every match he had. His luck changed with the merge, however, as Steven Landers stepped back into the picture, taking over the negotiating. Gabriel was finally added to the television-roster, and put on the list of title contenders.

Before the GXW was even officially started, however, Steven Landers was killed in a car accident and Sheena once again took over as his manager. Gabriel has dedicated his career to the Late Steven Landers, and refuses to lose badly because of such.

To the ring, Gabriel wears a pair of blood red tights with the words 'American Nightmare' scrawled on either leg. His shoulder length brown hair is allowed to fall in his eyes, spilling over his shirtless muscles. Though his appearance is rather cliché for a 'Satan-driven' 'demon', he is far from such. Gabriel has high moral standards and refuses to take part in anything that goes against such.

Titles Held:
GXW X-Treme title.

Enterance: Clips of Bane putting people through tables and taking them down with Bane's Hammer plays on the X-treme screen as "The Great American Nightmare" by Rob Zombie cues up. The stage fills with smoke, Gabriel Bane jogging through the smoke as the music picks up. As Bane rolls into the ring, a blast of pyro goes off on the turnbuckles.

Normal Moves: Double PowerBomb
one-armed chokeslam
giant punch
gorilla press slam
Back breaker
inverted neckbreaker
sambo suplex
diving spear
hip toss
running knee attack

Set up move: Spear into Turnbuckle

Set up Description: Bane whips his opponent into the corner, and then spears them.

Finishing Move:
Bane's Hammer

Finishing Move Description:
As the opponent stumbles outta the corner, slightly stunned Gabriel executes an over head belly to belly suplex

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Handlers Name:
Zach Malmgren

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