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Wrestler Name:
"The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

Real Name:

Height: 6'7" Weight:345

Hometown: Houston, TX

Enterance Music: "Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
Has blonde short hair slicked back, often wears sunglasses, jeans (or blue warmup style pants), a t-shirt of some kind (Team Phenom, "Zero", Ego Buster), black boots and a black glove on his right hand. Definitely cocky but intelligent and calculating. Has his own set of values and morals. Believes his matter how despicable, is usually just. Long history with many GXW members including memorable moments with Randy Cobb, Apocalypse, Kevin Powers, Justin Tyler, Kendall Codine and more. One of the most agile big men in the sport.

Titles Held:
NBW TV (twice), NBW US, NBW World Six Man, NBW World Title, NthWA World Title, EWI Federation Title, GXW Continental title, GXW World title (2x)

Enterance: Lights go out and strobe effects start with the opening riff of "Zero" with the "EB" Ego Buster symbol flashing across the screen. Ryan walks to the ring with his eyes fixed on the ring as the music plays.

Normal Moves: belly to belly suplex, split legged moonsault, STF, dragon suplex, release dragon suplex, clothesline, springboard legdrop, release german suplex, chokeslam, spinebuster, figure four leglock, Asai moonsault, powerslam, double underhook piledriver, burning hammer, full nelson slam, release belly to belly suplex, belly to belly superplex, snap powerbomb, jumping DDT, DDT, snap suplex

Set up move: dragon release suplex

Set up Description:

Finishing Move:
Humility Bomb

Finishing Move Description:
Jacknife Powerbomb

Recent Quote: "Tell you what, I've got one for YOU. How about you spend some time updating your list of cliches and stop opening your mouth and letting everyone know what a complete retard you are? Hmm? How about that? How about we all just form a little circle with Hellfighter and lead a little prayer for you? 'Dear God, bless us this day...and do put your hand upon poor little Johnny Miller. See, Johnny is upset because he can't get laid by anyone outside his family and see, he just wants to be able to speak in public without sounding like Jim Nabors on crack. Thank you Lord, amen.' How's that? I haven't done much praying lately...what with my family dying and all...but we'll see how that turns out. Bottom line Miller, I don't care who you think you are. I don't care if you're the most popular man in the world with 20,000 people watching your back, I don't care if you're a Steel City Icon, I don't care if you're Little Bo Peep, the unknown comic or the little dog from the Taco Bell commercials. I know who I am. I am the two time, kick your fu**ing teeth in, f*** your mother from behind while watching Sportcenter GXW Unified Heavyweight champion of the world. So bring your punk ass on down and I'll show YOU that odds don't mean a damn thing."

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.

Handlers Name:
Dave Brunk

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
AIM: dbrunk211

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