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Wrestler Name:
The "Fallen Angel" Chris Slayton
Real Name:
Christopher Slayton
6'3 Weight:265 lb.
Cameron, NC
Enterance Music:
"Sinner" by Drowning Pool
Background Information:
Appearence: Chris Slayton has a build that's cut and defined (Test is a good example of this build) with red hair that's shoulder length but kept back in a tail. His wrestling gear as of late is composed of a short sleeved black fishnet muscle shirt, black nylon cargo pants with red piping with black and white wrestling boots. He also has black tape on his fingers as well as black nail polish on the nails. He has several scars on his body from past hardcore matches. Even in his mid-20's and almost eight years of wrestling, he still maintans an attractiveness that women find interesting.
Chris is the youngest of the three siblings of Frank and Morgana Slayton and is by far-one of the more interesting ones. Chris was trained how to wrestle in both the Greco-Roman and Russian Sambo-styles while he was growning up in order to prepare for the NCAA tryouts in high school-those feel through when he put one of his opponents in the hospital with a dargon suplex onto the hard gym floor. Chris went north to Canada to learn how to wrestle from Ron Hutchins-the same person who taught Edge and Christain how to wrestle. At a height of 5'6 and 140 pounds, Chris was a natural in the cruiserweight divisions of the sport and racked up many wins in both the Cruiserweight and Tag Team ranks before an injury sidelined him for most of 1994-this is where the change happened. During this time, Chris had a final growth spurt which caused him to hit six feet three inches by the time the injury had healed fully, Chris then proceeded to return to the ring as the "Dynamite Kid" Chris Slayton for the Allied Wrestling Entertainment federation before it closed down-during his first actual hardcore match-Chris was hit several times with a barbed wire covered steel chair and his face became a crimson mask, but that still didn't stop him from hitting the his signature move which was called the "Infrared" at the time to win the match. AWE Color Commentator Scott Rukus coined the name that would become Chris for the rest of his career in the "Fallen Angel", nobody knows why but Scott Rukus stating that Chris looked like the devil reclaming one of his children during that match is what caused him to place the name on the youngest slayton.
Since then, Chris has been one of the odder members of the wrestling community-appearing out of nowhere to cause as much trouble as he can before he disappears again. Two years ago during his stay in the Omega Wrestling Alliance, Chris was approched by the first female graduate of the OWA wrestling school in Alicia Ward who went by the ringname of "Discord". The two had a brief romance as well as Discord managed Chris to several titles. However this was not meant to be when The "Bad Company Unit" in OVeW broke her neck during a tag team match for the OVeW Southern Tag Team titles. Slayton snapped and beat both members of the BCU by himself after his tag team partner was also taken out of the match.
Slayton has since joined Global Xtreme Wrestling as a favor to his older brother in Marcus (The Reaver) but since then, his attitude has turned a little bit more dark...
Titles Held:
Here is the most recent:
eNWA/ECW Heavyweight title (x3)
eNWA/ECW Tag Team titles (x2)
eNWA World Tag Team titles
NeWA Alaska/HCWF Tag Team titles (x2)
IWF World Tag Team titles
OVeW Heavyweight title (x2)
OVeW Hardcore title
OVeW Southern Tag Team titles (x4)
OCW X-Division title (x2)
OCW Heavyweight title
Normal Moves:
1. "Overdrive" (Legdrop Bulldog Takedown)
2. "Cruel Intentions" (Reverse Death Valley Driver)
3. "Hangman's Noose" (Swinging Inverted DDT)
4. "Dark City Street Cutter" (Sitting Neckbreaker from Gory Special Position)
5. "Slash and Burn" (Piledriver from Outsider/Razor's Edge Position)
6. Inverted Cross-Arm Breaker with Headscissors
7. Spinebuster
8. German Suplex rolled into Cross-Arm Breaker
9. Scorpion Deathlock with Hammerlock
10. Camel Clutch
11. Delayed Belly to Back Suplex
12. Full Nelson Atomic Drop onto the mat
13. "8 Second Ride" (Rock Bottom from Fireman's Carry)
14. Chokeslam
15. Cobra Clutch Slam
16. Fireman's Carry Slam from Overhead Press
17. Full Nelson/Dragon Suplex
18. Face First Side Russian Leg Sweep with Full Nelson
19. Walls of Jerhico
20. Chokeslam
21. Belly to Back Suplex with a Cobra Clutch
22. Superkick
23. "The Triple Threat" (a Fisherman Buster hit after 2 Fisherman Suplexes)
24. Last Ride-style Powerbomb
25. Vertibreaker
Set up move:
Kick to the Stomach
Set up Description:
It's a kick to the stomach that can either set up the "Angel Wings" or the "Megaslam", pure and simple.
Finishing Move:
The "Angel Wings" and "Megaslam"
Finishing Move Description:
The "Angel Wings" is a Spinning Sitting Double-Arm Face-First Piledriver or putting it more simply, a Spinning Pedigree.
The "Megaslam" is a Fisherman Bodyslam Piledriver. It's hard to explain, but if you follow this link-
You are taken to a site which has a video clip of the move being done from the 2nd turnbuckle-but it's pretty much the same move.
Recent Quote:
"Now, raise your hand because we all know that your a sinner!"
Manager Name:
Description of Manager:
Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.
Handlers Name:
Marcus Lawler
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
scwreaver (AIM)