Wrestler Name:
Tin Kat

Real Name: TK

Height: 5'10" Weight:190 LBS.

Hometown: Tijuana, Mexico

Enterance Music: "Dead Girl Superstar" by Rob Zombie

Alignment: Neutral

Background Information:
Physical Description: Her face is unidentified, due to the mask she wears, but she is thin, with obvious muscles in her legs and gut. She wears her long black with brown streaks hair out of her catlike mask, and wears yellow contacts.

Attire: Cheetah-patterned mask, with black and violet leopardprint wrestling tights and white boots with sparkling shingles (like Macho Man's). Black sleeveless leather shirt, with black gloves that go up to the elbows.

History: Tina Katalina, also known as Tin Kat, was born and raised in Tijuana, Mexico, raised in a family of six girls. She always snuck into wrestling events, often getting in trouble at home. She trained on her own, and has grown to only care of herself; it shows. She watches out for herself, and only for herself, not really trusting anyone. She's cocky and rude and loves to taunt people.

Titles Held:

Enterance: 'Dead Girl Superstar' hits, and Tin Kat runs down the ramp, arguing with the fans before slipping into the ring.

Normal Moves: Spin heel kick
Missile Dropkick
Headscissor takeover
Tigerbomb/Running Tigerbomb
Swinging Neckbreaker
Arm Drag Takeover
Knifeedge chops
German Suplex
Belly to belly suplex
Guillontine Legdrop
Running Clothesline

Set up move: Piledriver

Set up Description:

Finishing Move:

Finishing Move Description:
A 450 Splash that she can use from the top turnbuckle or the ropes.

Recent Quote: "Ahh, respect. Someinth' I never get but I'll 'ave it on a pole match to get it!"

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:


Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Stacey LeBlanc

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:

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