Wrestler Name:
Triple HHH

Real Name:

Height: 6'4" Weight:275lbs

Hometown: Greenwich, CT

Enterance Music: "Time to Play the Game" by Motorhead

Alignment: Face

Background Information:
The WWE thinks they have the franchise of wrestling in Triple H, well we got someone even better. We have Triple HHH, Hunter Heraldo Hablon Hermy Helando Hermes Hummer Herst Helmsley! Triple the H's, and triple the attitude!
APPEARANCE- Looks identical to Triple H, just a smaller nose.
HISTORY- Held down by his big brother (Triple H) by being wrotte out of every script. Now seeking to outdo his big brother once and for all. But not in the WWE, in the GXW!
ATTITUDE- Ruleless, he's the real cerebral assasian. The crowd loves him because, well, they all hate Triple H.

Titles Held:
None...Triple H won them all and never gave him his shot!

Enterance: As "Time to Play the Game" blares over the speakers, we see Triple HHH at the top of the entrance way. He spits out some water as he walks down to the ring. He steps up onto the side of the ring. He crutches over, and throws his body back into the ropes, hands in the air while spitting out a mist of water. He then gets into the ring, climbs the ropes and poses for the fans.

Normal Moves: 1)Punch to Face
2)Knee to gut
3)Knife-edge Chops
4)Kick to Midsection
5)Swinging Neckbreaker
10)Punch Flurry (opponent in corner)
11)Kick to Head (opponent on ground)
12)Vertical Suplex
13)Kick to Knee
15)Indian Deathlock
16)Figure-Four Leglock
18)Flying Knee Lift

Set up move: Facebuster

Set up Description: He grabs the opponents head and drop to one knee driving his other knee into the opponents face.

Finishing Move:

Finishing Move Description:
The kicks his opponent in the midsection and places their head in between his legs. He then hooks both of their arms, and then jumps into the air lifting them up with him by their arms. He comes down onto his knees while the opponents face is driven into the ground with all of his weight onto of it.

Recent Quote: " I am the REAL Game!"

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:

"I am the Game, and I am that damn good!"

Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Westin Smith

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
MSN: My name is better than your's!

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