Yeh Shen Li: Trynyty Wang:
Wrestler Name:
Twin Phoenix

Real Name: Yeh Shen Li & Trynyty Wang

Height: 5'6 (Li), 5'7 (Wang) Weight:120 lbs. (Li), 125 lbs. (Wang)

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Enterance Music: "Rythem Of The Heat" By Peter Gabriel

Alignment: Face

Background Information:
Yeh Shen Li is medium height (short for wrestling standards), slender, muscularly toned, and has a very innocent look to her. She has bright brown eyes, dark medium length fine jet black hair just a little passed her neck. She is beautiful but looks very innocent and isn't very revealing in her physical appeal, but the attractive sex appeal emerges subtlely. She wears to the ring during matches; black tight spandex pants with red with blue outline fire on the sides of the legs, black wrestling light wearing tennis shoes, a red and black sports bra, and her hands are taped from the knuckles up to the wrists with black tape.

Trynyty Wang is also medium height, slender, muscularly toned, and does have a not so innocent look about her. But she still is beautiful. She is a little more apt to have a small tendency to show a little more skin and be a tad more seductive. But it is rare. When she is in the ring, she is still all business. Trynyty wears to the ring during matches; black tight spandex pants with purple and then blue outlined fire on the sides of the legs, black wrestling light wearing tennis shoes, a purple and black sorts bra, and her hands are taped from knuckles to wrists in tape.

Titles Held:
GXW Women's Champion (Trynyty Wang)

Enterance: Yeh Shen's singles theme song: "Kick Some Ass" By Stroke 9

Trynyty's singles theme song: "This Is Love" By PJ Harvey

Tag Team Entrances: Lights go out, a thick fog rolls in, followed by a cold breeze, but it disapates when the pyro fires go off. Not loud, but bright and hot. The pyros stay lit like they dance with the theme song. With the exception of the fire, only blacklight illuminate the entire arena. Music que up: "Rythem of the Heat" by Peter Gabriel. Then Twin Phoenix comes out from the back to a loud crowd pop. They greet fans as they jog down to the ring. They perch themselves up on the turnbuckle to pose for the crowd. Then hop down as they get set to start the match.

Singles entrance: Same sequences as the tag team entrance, just with their respective theme songs.

Normal Moves: (That both Yeh Shen and Trynyty will do during matches-single and tag team bouts): 1) Roundhouse kicks, 2) Spinning Roundhouse kicks, 3) Dropkicks, 4) Hurricannrannas, 5) Suicide plancha dives out of the ring, 6) Spinning reverese outside crescent kicks, 7) Jumping Calf kicks, 8) Jumping modifed van daminator split kicks, 9) Front dropkicks, 10) Moonsaults, 11) Headsissior takedowns, 12) Fameassers, 13) bulldogs, 14) facebusters/x-factors, 15) Superkicks, 16) Spinning wheel kicks, 17) Rolling Thunder kicks and body splashes, 18) Handspring elbow, body, or dropkicks splash, 19) Corkscrew moonsault/body splash, 20) Shooting star press, 21) Dragon Sleepers, 22) Senton/swanton bomb, 23) 3/4 turn neckbreakers, 24) Dragon Screw, 25) When all else fails, when desparate calls come for desparate measures......A LOW BLOW.

Tag team moves (No more than 3): 1) Trynyty gets right behind the oponant on her hands and knees, Yeh Shen does a superkick right underneath the oponants chin and makes him fall right over Trynyty. 2) While the oponant is groggy, both Yeh Shen and Trynyty run to the closest ropes, springboard off and nail two sandwiching moonsaults right into the oponant. 3) Yeh Shen puts the oponant on top of her shoulders, Trynyty is up on the top rope, she leaps off, flies into the air and nailing the oponant with a very airbourn Broncobuster.

Set up move: Phoenix Attack

Set up Description: Set up moves (single): 1) "Crane takes flight kick" While an oponant is groggy in the center of the ring. Yeh Shen runs over to the ropes, jumps up on the top turnbuckle (RVD style), where she jumps off doing a very graceful but impacting leaping Crane kick right into the oponant's face. Think of the same crane kick from the Karate Kid movies but in the form of an aerial kick. (Yeh Shen Li)

2) "Not Hollywood Kick" While the oponant is groggy but still standing, a run over to the ropes, jumping up, springboarding off, nailing a modified Van daminator style full spit kick right underneath the chin. (Trynyty Wang)

Tag team set up move: "Phoenix Attack" While the oponant is standing and groggy, both Yeh Shen and Trynyty climb opposite turnbuckles, jump off, and nail two simultaneous sandwiching Spinning wheel kicks right into the guy/girl's head.

Finishing Move:
Ashes to Ashes

Finishing Move Description:
Singles finishers: 1) "Fire Bomb 2.0" (Yeh Shen) While the oponant is still groggy and standing, She quickly gets up on the top rope, facing toward the crowd, she jumps off backwards, over and behind the opanant, while in midair, she catches the back of the oponant's head, and snaps it back with her on the way down like a Edgecrusher. Think of this as a extremely modified Buff Blockbuster.

2) "Tornado Spike" (Trynyty) While the oponant is still trying to get up from the set up move attack all groggy. She quickly jumps up on the top rope, leaps off, catches the guy/girl's head in midair, and nails a spinning tornado Facebuster,/X-Factor. So basically this move is a modifed top rope spinning tornado X-Factor.

Tag Team finisher: "Ashes to Ashes" Kind of like their singles finishers, but only Trynyty stands the guy back up, quickly climbs back up on the top turnbuckle, she hits the spinning tornado facebuster spiking the oponant's head to the mat. Immediately after Trynyty does her part of the move, Yeh Shen jumps off and nails a "Fire Bomb" (Swanton Bomb) right onto the oponants bare and prone back. Then after that, one makes the count while the other keeps the oponant's partner from coming in and stopping the count.

Recent Quote: N/A

Manager Name: N/A

Description of Manager: N/A


Wrestler's Image:
Yeh Shen Li: Trynyty Wang:

Handlers Name:
Patrick M. Shutt

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
shutt64024 (AIM), (MSN) Eph'Pha'Tha Industries Inc. (TM) , sirRobin GoodFeather (ICQ)

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