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Wrestler Name:

Real Name: Unknown

Height: 6'3" Weight:232

Hometown: Unknown

Enterance Music: "X Gonna Give It To You" by DMX

Alignment: Face

Background Information:
All of his past history is unknown. Much will be revealed but for now, all that is known is that he is very technically sound and was hired from a video tape submitted by his manager, Mr. Mark

Titles Held:

Enterance: "X Gonna Give it to you" by DMX fills the arena as X makes his way to the ring. The lights are dim as he slowly strides down the ramp. He wears a black mask with a gold Question Mark across the face and his entire head is covered. He wears black and gold trunks and armbands with Black boots with gold laces. When he arrives at the ring stairs the lights come back up and he slowly steps through the ropes into the ring.

Normal Moves: 1) Knife Edge Chop 2) Open Handed Chop 3) DDT 4) Tilt a Whirl Back Breaker 5) Baseball Slide DDT 6) German Suplex 7) Northern Lights Suplex 8) Belly to Back Suplex 9) Belly to Belly Suplex 10) Con Hilo 11) Lionsault 12) Crossface 13) STF 14) Moonsault 15) Superplex 16) Senton Bomb 17) Frog Splash 18) Figure Four

Set up move: Question Mark

Set up Description: Baseball Slide DDT

Finishing Move:
X Marks the Spot

Finishing Move Description:
X Irish Whips his opponent into the corner, he leaps to the top turnbuckle wrapping his arm around his opponents neck. X leaps off into a Swinging Neck Breaker and twists into a modified Float Over DDT that drives his opponent's head into the mat.

Recent Quote: None

Manager Name: Mr. Mark

Description of Manager: Mr. Mark is about 40 years old with a pudgy build. He is a balding black man quick witted with a serious demenor. He always appears sharply dressed in tailored suits. He never loses his temper because he knows that X will be able to back up all of his words. From time to time he will look at X, almost like they are sharing a joke or looking for approval. When this happens, X will slowly nod and Mr. Mark continues.


Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.

Handlers Name:
Steve Jay

Email Address:

Messenger Identity: