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Wrestler Name:
Real Name:
5'9 Weight:230 lbs
Austin, Texas
Enterance Music:
Narayan, by Prodigy
Background Information:
Not the most heavily built of wrestlers, Xen0 is nonetheless imposing... At 5'9, his body is tightly-cut, with just a little body fat left on it from years of wrestling experience... A bit vain, he can not stand to be out of shape, and constantly works to provide more definition to his small, by wiry body.
Xen0 usually comes to the ring, dressed in his signature black tights, which feature flames from the knee up. A stylized red "X" positioned in the middle of the frontal quads on both legs, with "The New Era" written vertically down the right leg. Xen0 wears red boots, with padded black shin guards.
While new to the GXW, Xen0 is no newcomer to the world of wrestling. Over the years, he has fought and grown from humble beginings; however, the joyous streak that once existed within him has died down quite a bit, and at times he can appear quite cynical in regards to some situations.
Titles Held:
RWF Cruiserweight Title
RWF Pro Title
RWF Television Title
RWF North American Title
GWA Cruiserweight Title
GWA TV Title
Normal Moves:
Arm-drag Takedown
Dragonscrew Legwhip
Sunset-flip Powerbomb (from ring apron)
Sitdown Powerbomb
Double-leg Takedown
Knee to the Gut
Spinning Kick (in the corner)
Tree Of Woe into Reverse Chin Lock (from outside of ring)
Enzingiri Kick
Double-Arm DDT
Spinning Toe Hold
Single Arm Takedown, into an Armbar Submission
Swinging Neckbreaker
Top Rope Hunnicanranna
Jumping Hunnicanranna
Rolling Fireman's Carry
Reverse STF
Spike Piledriver
Jumping Piledriver
Set up move:
The Last Stand
Set up Description:
Opponent is setup to sit on the top turnbuckle (usually dazed), and is lifted as if being thrown off the turnbuckle, which is turned into a gorilla press slam, and dropped into a Super Gutbuster, then rolled onto their back.
Finishing Move:
The Darkseid Press
Finishing Move Description:
Shooting Star Press, with higher volecity, and a jackknife-esque snap to it.
Recent Quote:
Manager Name:
Description of Manager:
Denell is Xen0's wife; she's approximately 5'4 with a slender, yet supple body. She has red hair and green eyes. Very hot. Think old-school Ivory (before RTC).
Wrestler's Image:
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