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Wrestler Name:
"Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin

Real Name:

Height: 6'4 Weight:245

Hometown: United Kingdom

Enterance Music: Voodoo by Godsmack

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
Adam benjamin is a pure breed straight from the United Kingdom. Adam is a fully trained amature wrestler, having won a gold medal for England in the 2000 Good Will Games. Adam quickly adapted to the pro style winning several titles in local Uk indy federations. However Adam desired most to come to America and show all that Sucess is not given it earned. Adam basically hates the American way of life. Thinks everyone is handed something here in the states and wants to come here and earn everything the right way and prove that an Englishman is better than any American inside the square circle...

Titles Held:

Enterance: "I'm not the one that so far away...
When I feel the snack bite enter my vain...
never do I want to be here again...
And I don't remember why I came"...

Voodo by Godsmack begins to play as "Yours Truly" Adam benjamin makes his way slowly to the ring. Adam is wearing two English flag bandana's one that cover his head and the other that covers the lower part of his face revealing only his stone cold eyes. Adam makes his way into the ring and stands firm in his corner waiting for the bell to sound....

Normal Moves: Adam uses a book load of submission moves ranging from the torture rack to the fuji war arm bar.

he loves to ground his opponent down and out.

he takes the air to show his all around style. Moves like a shooting star press leg drop, or the reverse huracanrana

Finishing move is set up by using the shinning wizard. That move is a running knee to the face of a un protected opponent.

Also like a jumping brainbuster

Finisher is a razors edge droped into a piledriver 'YOURS TRULY 2K3'

Set up move: Shinning Wizard

Set up Description: A running jumping knee thrust to the face

Finishing Move:
"Yours truly 2k3"

Finishing Move Description:
A modify razors edge witch sits out into a pildriver

Recent Quote:

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Wrestler's Image:
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Handlers Name:
jeff kane

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