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Wrestler Name:
mystical illusions
Real Name:
magus firedancer
6'4" Weight:220
San Francisco
Enterance Music:
Days go by (dirty vegas
Background Information:
Magus is a wrestler who took on a liking of fantacy role playing and video games. When he was 20 he went into surgury and transformed himself into a elf to be more like a fantacy rifts rps character he played.
Titles Held:
Days go by cue up and you see annihalation flash on the screen. Then a little cartoon plays with a character that looks like Mystical Illusions casting a spell that annihalates everything it hits. Pyro goes off and he enters the arena jumping up and down and very excited. He then runs to the ring and slides in.
Normal Moves:
*1/4 Nelson 3/4 Nelson 3/4 Neckbreaker (Stunner, Diamond Cutter) 450 splash
Abdominal Stretch Achilles Tendon Hold Airplane Spin Airplane Spin Toss
Majistral Cradle Amittyville Horror Ankle Lock Arm Bar
Arm Breaker Arm Drag Arm Lock Arm Scissors
Arm Stretch Arm Wringer Asai Moonsault Asian Spike
Atomic Drop Avalanche Back Body Drop Backbreaker
Back Fist Back Rake Back Roll BackRoll Press
Backslide Back Suplex Backward Victory Roll (Up) Baseball Slide
Bear Hug Bell Clap Belly-To-Back Suplex Belly-To-Belly Suplex
Big Boot Big Splash Bionic Elbow Biting
Blizzard Suplex Block Body Scissors Bodyslam
Boot Scrape Boston Crab Bow and Arrow Brain Buster
Bridge Bronco Buster Bulldog (Headlock) Camel Clutch
Cannonball Catapult Chair Shot Charging Headbutt
Chicken Wing Chinlock Choke Chokeslam
Chop Chop Block Claw Hold Cobra Clutch
Corksrcew Elbow Corkscrew Leg Drop Corkscrew Moonsault Corkscrew Plancha
Cradle Cradle Piledriver Cross Body Block Crossface
Crucifix DDT Cross-Face Chicken Wing Death Valley Driver
Doomsday Device Double Arm Lock Double-Arm/Front DDT Double Axhandle
Double Backbreaker Double Choke Double Belly-To-Back Suplex Double Clothesline
Double Drop Kick Double Elow Drop Double Grape Vine Double Gutwrench
Double Snap Suplex Double Stomp Double Underhook Powerbomb Double Vertical Suplex
Dragon Sleeper Dragon Suplex Double Underhook Suplex Dropkick
Drop Toe Hold Elbow Dragon Screw Leg Whip European Uppercut
Eye Gouge Facebuster Falcon Arrow (Michinoku Driver) Fallaway Slam
Fireman's Carry Firebird Splash Figure Four Leg Lock Fisherman Buster
Fisherman Suplex Fist Drop Flap Jack Flatliner
Flying Clothesline Flying DDT Flying Corkscrew Clothesline Flying Elbow
Flying Headbutt Flying Headscissors Flying Cross Body-Block Flying Lariat
Flying Leap Flying Leg Drop Flying Mare Flying Plancha
Flying Splash Frankensteiner Flying Shoulder Block Frog Splash
Front Chanercy Front Face Lock Front Piledriver Front Slam
Front Suplex Full Nelson Full Nelson Suplex Gator Buster
German Suplex Giant Swing Gibson Leg Lock Gorilla Press
Gorry Special Gourd Buster Greco-Roman Arm Lock Grapevine
Gutwrench Gutwrench Suplex Gutwrench Powerbomb Gutwrench Superplex
Hair Pull(ing) Half Crab Half Nelson Hammerbomb
Hammerlock Headbutt Hangman's Neck Breaker Headlock
Headscissors Head Vice Head-To-Turnbuckle Heart Attack
Heart Punch High Knee Hip Roll Hip Toss
Human Torture Rack Hurracanrana Indian Death Lock Insiguri Kick
Inverted DDT Irish Whip Inverted Atomic Drop Jackhammer
Lateral Press Jawbreaker Japenese Arm Drag Leg Sweep
Leg Drop Leg Lock Leg Split Leg Whip
Liger Bomb Liontamer (Lou) Thesz Press Kick
Kitao Driver Knee Katahajimi (Tazzmission) Knee Drop
Knife-Edge Chop Mandible Claw Mexican Arm Drag Military Slam
Missle Dropkick Monkey Flip Million Dollar Dream Moonsault
Mosh Pit Neck Breaker Neck Drop Clothesline Neck Twist
Nerve Hold Nodowa Bomb Northern Lights Powerbomb Oklahoma Roll
Oklahoma Slam Oklahome Stampede Northern Lights Suplex Orange Bomb
Oriental Spike Orihara Moonsault Outsider's Edge Overhead Toss
Pancake Pedigree Pilebriver Plancha
Pole Ram Polish Hammer Powerbomb Powerslam
Pump Handle Slam Punch (fist) Quackensmash Rana
Reversal Reverse Chinlock Release German Suplex Reverse Grapevine
Rings of Saturn Rocker Dropper Reverse Neck Breaker Rocket Launcher
Roll-Up Rope Burn Running Clothesline Running Elbow
Running Lariat Running Powerslam Running Senton (Back Splash) Russian Leg Sweep
Russian Sikle Samoan Drop Savat Kick Schoolboy
Scissor Kick Scoop Slam Scorpion Death Lock (Sharpshooter) Senton
Shooting Star Press Short Arm Scissors Shoulder Block Shoulder Breaker
Showboat Side Headlock Side Kick Side Salto
Side Slam Sidewalk Slam Side Russian Leg Sweep Sit-Down Powerbomb
Sitting Drop Kick Skytwister Press Slap Sleeper Hold
Sleepwalker Suplex Slingshot Sleeperwalker Superplex Slingshot Moonsault
Slingshot Suplex Small Package Slingshot Powerbomb Snap DDT
Snapmare Snap Suplex Snow Plow Somersault Senton
Spear, Gore Spine Buster (Slam) Somersault Plancha/Tope Con Helo Spinning Toe Hold
Spin Wheel Kick Splash Mountain Spinning Cobra Clutch Springboard Dropkick
Springboard Plancha Springboard Splash Split-Legged Moonsault Square Driver
Standing Drop Kick Star Springboard Moonsault Stardust Press
Stomp Step-Over Toe Hold Springboard Hur(r)acanrana STF
Stump Puller Suicide Dive Springboard Spin(ning) Kick Suicide-Plex
Sunset Flip Super Chokeslam Standing Double Grape Vine Super Front Slam
Super Front Slam Superkick Super Belly-To-Back Suplex Superplex
Suplex Surfboard Super Belly-To-Belly Suplex Surfboard Chinlock
Swan Dive Swanton Bomb Super Fisherman Buster (Football) Tackle
Taz-Plex Texas Cloverleaf Swinging Neck Breaker Thrust Kick
Tiger Bomb Tiger Driver Tazmission Taz-Plex Tiger Driver '91
Tiger Suplex (Tight) Rope Walk Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker Toe Hold
Tope Top-Rope Clothesline Tombstone Piledriver Top-Rope Cannonball
Top-Rope Piledriver Top-Rope Plancha Top-Rope Corkscrew Plancha Top-Rope Rana
Tornado Punch Tornado DDT Top-Rope Frankensteiner Top-Rope Superplex
Torso Flip Torturer Crab Top-Rope Powerbomb Tree Of Woe
Tarantula Turnbuckle Bomb Top-Rope Rocker Dropper Turnbuckle Smash
Uppercut Vaderbomb Tumbleweed Leg Drop Vertical Suplex
Victory Roll Walking Crab Triple-Jump Moonsault Whiplash
Whipper Snapper Wrist Lock Abdominal Stretch (manji gatame) Armbar, Crucifix (jujigatamae)
Backbreaker, Gorilla Press Armbar, Crucifix (w/ Neck Submission) Abdominal Stretch (w/ Chinlock) Armbar, Ground (w/ Arm Scissors)
Armbar, Standing (twist behind back) Armbar, Stepover (w/ Crooked Head) Airplane Spin, Crucifix Armbar, Stepover (w/ Rolling Cradle)
Armbar (w/ Head Scissors) Armbar (w/ Trapezius Grip) Armbar (Wakigatamae) Arm Drag, Over-the-shoulder
Arm Drag, Top Rope Over-the-shoulder Axe Handle, Double (to the chest) Backbreaker, Hanging Backbreaker, Horizontal
Backbreaker, Stomach on top of head Backbreaker, Twisting Bearhug, Belly2Back Upside Down Body Press, Top-rope Cross
Body Press, Top-rope Cross (off partners shoulders) Body Press, Top-rope Vert-Suplex Cross Body Press, Top-rope Cross w/180 twist Body Press, Front
Body Press, Top-rope Front Boston Crab, Double Leg Boston Crab, Behind the neck single leg Boston Crab, Single Leg
Boston Crab, Single Leg w/ armlock Boston Crab, Single Leg (sitting on folded leg) Boston Crab, Single Leg (w/ foot on victim's head) Bulldog, Cross-face Half-Nelson
Bulldog, 2nd-rope Bulldog, 3/4 Facelock Bulldog, 3/4 Facelock from Fireman's Carry Bulldog, 3/4 Facelock in midair (assisted)
Bulldog, 3/4 Facelock in midair (solo) Bulldog, Leg Draped Over Neck Bulldog, 3/4 Running Up Turnbuckles Bulldog, Standing
Bulldog, Top-rope Bulldog, Top-rope (from shoulders) Butt Smash, Leaping Butt Smash, Leaping off Top Rope
Chair, Off The Top Rope Chicken Wing, Cross Face Chicken Wing, Ground Cross Face Chin Lock, Hanging Backbreaker
Chin Lock, Reverse Chin Lock, Reverse Elevated Upsidedown Chop, Double Karate Chop, Karate
Choke, Judo with body scissors (Kata hajime) Choke, Judo Shoulder Claw, Armpit Claw, Chest
Claw, Face Claw, Face Two-handed Claw, Mouth Claw, Neck
Claw, Stomach Clothesline Clothesline, (after Irish Whip) Clothesline, Leaping
Clothesline, Leaping (bearhug opponent) Clothesline, Leaping Leg Clothesline, Leaping Neckbreaker Clothesline, Leaping Neckbreaker (off top rope)
Clothesline, Reverse (Enzui Lariat) Clothesline, Ring-rope Clothesline, Top-rope Clothesline, Top-rope (off shoulders)
Clothesline, Top-rope Slingshot Clothesline, Top-rope (w/ Bearhug) Clothesline, Top-rope (after Irish Whip) Clothesline (w/ football clip)
Countout (after Atomic Drop) Countout (after Plancha) Cradle, Rolling DDT, Bearhug Cradle
DDT, Double Underhook DDT, Double Underhook Behind Back DDT, Double Underhook Vertical DDT, Fisherman Suplex
DDT, Jumping DDT, 2nd Rope Diving DDT, 2nd Rope Spinning DDT, 2nd Rope Spinning Reverse
DDT, Spiked DDT, Springboard Top Rope DDT, Top-rope DDT, Top-rope (from shoulders)
DDT, Top-rope Fisherman Suplex DDT, Top-rope Spinning DDT, Top-rope Reverse DDT, Top-rope Vertical Suplex
DDT, Upside-down Facelock DDT, Vertical Suplex DDT, Upside-down Vertical Suplex Facelock DDT, Vertical Suplex Spike
Dropkick, In The Corner Dropkick, 2nd rope Dropkick, Double Dropkick, Double Top-rope
Dropkick, Top-rope Dropkick, Top-rope (off shoulders) Dropkick, Top-rope (w/ Vert. Suplex) Elbow Drop
Elbow Drop, Clasped Hands Elbow Drop, Running Elbow Drop, Spinning Elbow Drop, Top-rope
Elbow Drop, Top-rope (after Powerslam) Elbow Drop, Top-rope (backwards) Elbow Drop, 2nd-rope (w/ Backbreaker) Elbow Smash
Elbow Smash, Top-rope Elbow Smash, (w/ hanging backbreaker) Facebuster, Full Nelson Facebuster, Sitting
Facelock, Ground (w/ arm scissors) Facelock, Step-over Fist Fist, Chest (w/ victim's arm raised)
Fist Drop, Top-rope Fist Drop, Double Top-rope Fist, Leaping Fist, Spinning
Fist, Spinning Back- Forearm Smash Forearm Smash, Leaping Forearm Smash, Leaping (w/ Bearhug)
Forearm Smash, Spinning Forearm Smash, Spinning Reverse Forearm Smash, Top Rope Frankensteiner
Frankensteiner, Somersault Top Rope Frankensteiner, Spinning Top Rope Frankensteiner, Springboard Head Scissors Frankensteiner, Springboard Top-rope
Frankensteiner, Standing Top Rope Frankensteiner, Top-rope Frankensteiner, Top-rope Head Scissors Frankensteiner, Top-rope Head Scissors (off partners shoulders)
Frankensteiner, Top-rope Reverse Full Nelson Full Nelson, Double Chickenwing Full Nelson, Swinging
Hammerlock, Elevated Belly2Back Hammerlock, Elevated Back2Back Head Butt, Running Stomach Head Butt, Top-rope
Head Spike Kick (to the face) Kick, Axe Kick, Crescent
Kick, Double (to the face) Kick, Flying Heel Kick, Flying Heel (w/ leg sweep kick) Kick, Groin (opponents legs spread in ropes)
Kick, Jumping Front Kick, Jumping High (to head) Kick, Mule Kick, Jumping Reverse (Enzuigiri)
Kick, Jumping Side (w/ bearhug) Kick, Rolling (abise guiri) Kick, Running (to the face) Kick, Spinning Savate
Kick, Thrust Kick, Thrust (w/ Football Clip) Kick, Top-rope (opponent on mat) Kick, Top-rope Roundhouse (opponent standing)
Kick, Top-rope Thrust (opponent stand) Knee to the Tailbone Knee, Double (to the ribs) Knee, Jumping
Knee, Running Turnbuckle (opponent upsidedown) Knee, Top-rope (opponent standing) Knee, Top-rope (to back of head) Knee Drop
Knee Drop, Top-rope Knee Drop, Top-rope (w/ Side Slam) Knee Lift Knuckle to the Back of the Neck
Knuckle to the Temple Leg Drop Leg Drop, (chair on opp. face) Leg Drop, 2nd-rope
Leg Drop, 2nd-rope (w/ Boston Crab) Leg Drop, 2nd-rope (opp. on top rope) Leg Drop, Stomach Leg Drop, Top-rope (opponent face-up)
Leg Drop, Top-rope (opp face-down) Leg Drop, Top-rope (opp. on top-rope) Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Backflip) Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Bear Hug)
Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Frog Splash) Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Power Bomb) Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Side Slam) Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Somersault)
Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Somersault & Chair) Leg Drop, Top-rope (w/ Somersault & Twist) Leg Drop, Top of cage Leglock, Standing Ankle
Leglock, Ankle Scissors Leglock, Boston Crab Grapevine Leglock, Boston Crab Grapevine (/w bridging chinlock) Leglock, Boston Crab Grapevine (/w arms)
Leglock, Cross-Knee Scissors Leglock, Figure four Leglock, Figure Four (sitting on legs) Leglock, Grapevine
Leglock, Indian Leglock, Indian (upside-down) Leglock, Inside Toehold Leglock, Standing Figure four
Leglock, Standing Figure 4 (w/ rollup) Leglock, Standing Figure Four into pin Leg Sweep, Side Russian Mannequin Head, Blow To Head With
Neck Breaker, Back2Back Fall-away Neck Breaker, Belly2Back Fall-away Neck Breaker, Belly2Belly Fall-away Neck Breaker, Second-rope Somersault
Neck Breaker, Swinging Palm Thrust Piledriver (from Backdrop) Piledriver (from Vertical Suplex)
Piledriver, After Macarena Piledriver, Belly2Belly Piledriver, Spinning Piledriver, Belly2Belly Sitting
Piledriver, Body Slam Piledriver, Body Slam Btwn Legs Piledriver, Elevated Back-suplex Piledriver, Front-Face
Piledriver, Front-Face Dbl Underhook Piledriver, Running Double-underhook Piledriver, Second-rope Belly2Belly Piledriver, Sideways Fallaway Slam
Piledriver, Top-rope Front-Face Piledriver, Spike Piledriver, Sideways Fallaway Slam (from torture rack) Piledriver, Unprotected Dbl Underhook
Power Bomb Power Bomb, off apron Piledriver, Top-rope Handstand Head-Scissors Power Bomb, Forward
Power Bomb, Jumping Power Bomb, Jumping (land on knees) Power Bomb, Running Jumping Power Bomb, Repeating
Power Bomb (w/ 2nd rope Neckbreaker) Power Bomb (w/ Top-rope Legdrop) Power Bomb, Abdominal Stretch (arm thru legs) Power Bomb, Jumping Abdominal Stretch
Power Bomb, Foward Hanging Backbreaker Power Bomb, Jumping Hanging Backbreaker Power Bomb (from Backdrop) Power Bomb (w/ Flying Elbow Drop)
Power Bomb (w/ bridge) Power Bomb, Jumping Back Suplex Power Bomb, Jumping Belly2Belly Power Bomb, Choke Slam
Power Bomb, Jumping Two-Hand Choke Power Bomb, Jumping Crossed Arms Power Bomb, Crucifix Power Bomb, Crucifix (Spike)
Power Bomb, Crucifix off 2nd Rope Power Bomb, Jumping Crucifix Power Bomb, Jumping Reverse Crucifix Power Bomb, Jumping Double Underhook
Power Bomb, Front-face (face first) Power Bomb, Front-face w/ DDT Power Bomb, Jumping Gut Wrench Power Bomb, Spinning Gut Wrench
Power Bomb, Jumping Horizontal Backbreaker Power Bomb, Slingshot (Facefirst) Power Bomb, Spike Power Bomb, Jumping Vertical Suplex
Power Bomb, 2nd-rope Power Bomb, 2nd-rope Crucifix Power Bomb, 2nd-rope Spike Power Bomb, Top-rope
Power Bomb, Top-rope Crucifix Rollup, (w/ bridge) Rollup, Abdominal Stretch Scissors, Crooked Head (Twisting)
Senton, Somersault Senton, 2nd-rope Senton, Top-rope Senton, Top-rope to floor
Senton, Top-rope Assisted Somersault Senton, Top-rope Backflip Senton, Top-rope Somersault Shoulder Breaker, Belly2Back
Shoulder Breaker, Belly2Belly Shoulder Breaker, Hanging Backbreaker Shoulder Block, Top-rope Slam, Airplane Spin
Slam, Belly2Belly Bearhug Slam, 2nd Rope Belly2Belly Bearhug Slam, Belly2Belly Bearhug (w/ Knee Drop) Slam, Body
Slam, Body (from Crossface HalfNelson) Slam, Body (from Full Nelson) Slam, Double Side Slam, Fall-away
Slam, 2nd-rope Fall-away Slam, Fall-away (Forward Somersault) Slam, Fall-away (w/ Airplane Spin) Slam, Front Chest
Slam, Jumping Vertical Suplex Slam, Power Slam, Power from Abdominal Stretch Slam, Power from Vertical Suplex
Slam, Press (drop opponent) Slam, Running Power- Slam, Side Slam, Side (Reverse)
Slam, Throat (nodowa otoshi) Slam, 2nd-rope Throat (nodowa otoshi) Slam, Top Rope Throat (nodowa otoshi) Slam, Throat (w/ twist)
Slam, Throat (w/ twist and bridge) Slam, Throat (w/ twist and leg hook) Slam, Twisting Power Slam, Vertical Suplex Power
Slam, 2nd-rope Power Slam, 2nd-rope Power (partner onto opponent) Sleeper Sleeper, Carotid Choke Technique
Sleeper, Cross-face Half-Nelson Sleeper, Cross-face Half-Nelson Spinning Sleeper, Cross-face Half-nelson w/ Russian Leg Sweep Sleeper, Head/Neck Scissors
Sleeper, Upside-down Facelock Sleeper, Upside-down Facelock Splash Splash, 2nd-rope Vertical
Splash, Assisted (Spike) Splash, Backflip Splash, Double Top-rope Splash, Press Slam (Assisted)
Splash, Running Handspring Backflip Splash, Running Turnbuckle Splash, Running Vertical Splash, Slingshot
Splash, Slingshot w/ 180 Splash, Slingshot 2nd-rope Splash, Tilt-a-Whirl Splash, Top-rope
Splash, Top-rope (after Superplex) Splash, Top-rope (assisted) Splash, Top-rope (off shoulders) Splash, Top-rope (off prtr on TR)
Splash, Top-rope Slingshot Backflip Splash, Top-rope Backdrop Splash, Top-rope Backflip Splash, Top-rope Bkflip (facing ring)
Splash, Top-rope Backflip (w/ corkscrew) Splash, Top-reop Backflip (w/ chair) Splash, Top-rope (w/ 180 degree spin) Splash, Top-rope (w/ somersault)
Splash, Top-rope (w/ tuck) Splash, Second-rope Vertical Splash, Top-rope Vertical Splash, Vertical
Stomp, Two-Foot Stomach Stomp, 2-Foot Top-rope Backflp Stomach Stomp, 2-Foot Top-rope Stomach Sunset Flip, Top-rope
Suplex, Belly2Back (w/ Cradle) Suplex, Belly2Back (onto neck/head) Suplex, Belly2Back Chicken Wing Suplex, Belly2Bak Cross-arm Chicken Wing
Suplex, Up-dwn Belly2Back (w/Bridge) Suplex, Belly2Back (w/ chokeslam) Suplex, Belly2Back Crossed Arms Suplex, Belly2Back Crossed Arms (on-shoulders)
Suplex, Belly2Back CrossFace Chknwing Suplex, Belly2Back CrossFace HalfNelson Suplex, Belly2Back Double Hammerlock Suplex, Belly2Back Folded Leg (w/ bridge)
Suplex, Belly2Back Full Nelson Suplex, Belly2Back Half Nelson Suplex, Belly2Back HalfNelsn/Hammrlock Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock
Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock Slingshot Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock 180 Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock Floatover Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock (w/ floating bridge)
Suplex, Belly2Belly Top-rope Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock (w/ twist) Suplex, Belly2Belly Suplex, Reverse Full Nelson
Suplex, Belly2Belly Vertical w/ Bridge Suplex, Belly2Belly Vertical w/ Bridge and Hammerlock Suplex, Belly2Back Waistlock (w/ Thrust Kick) Suplex, Double-underhook (chickenwing)
Suplex, Double-underhook (chickenwing) Suplex, Double Vertical Forward Suplex, Belly2Belly Vertical w/ Bridge (after Top-rope Dropkick) Suplex, Fisherman
Suplex, Side Suplex, Over-the-Head Body Slam Cradle Suplex, Double-underhook floatover Suplex, Slingshot
Suplex, Top-rope Suplex, Top-rope Belly2Back Suplex, Top-rope Double Belly2Back 180 Suplex, Top-rope Belly2Belly
Suplex, Top-rope Chickenwing Suplex, Top-rope Fisherman Suplex, Top-rope Gut Wrench Suplex, Vertical
Suplex, Vertical Face-first Thumb to the Throat Toe-Hold, Double Stepover (w/chinlock) Toe-Hold, Spinning
Toe-Hold, Stepover (w/chinlock) Toe-Hold, Stepover (w/ Facelock) Toe-Hold, Stepover (w/ Chinlock & Armbar) Toe-Hold, Upside-dwn Stepovr w/Sleeper
Turnbuckle Smash Wristlock, Quarter- nelson
Set up move:
the concentration
Set up Description:
belly to belly suplex and foot stomp to the stomach
Finishing Move:
Finishing Move Description:
frog splash with a flip
Recent Quote:
Dont try beatin me i know all the tricks in the book
Manager Name:
Description of Manager:
which move to you want me to show you
Wrestler's Image:
Place the URL of the picture of your wrestler here.
Handlers Name:
durk warrick
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