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Wrestler Name:
"Big Deadly" Christian Sands

Real Name: Christian Sands

Height: 6'3" Weight:271lbs

Hometown: Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Enterance Music: "Wake Up Hate" - Korn

Alignment: Heel

Background Information:
APPEARANCE: Sands is a rather formidable sight. His body is extremely well-built, with muscles that are well-defined but aren't huge enough to slow him down. His face is long and narrow, with somewhat slanted eyes and a pointed nose. His chin is strong, and his lips are thin and almost permanently downturned. Sands' hair is black, but you can see a few hints of sandy-blond roots through the dye. The hair is long and hangs across the sides of his face, over his shoulders, and down across his upper back. His neck is fairly thick, and he sports a tattoo over his heart - a grinning death's-head.
To the ring, Sands wears a black singlet similat in cut to Kurt Angle's; the singlet is airbrushed along the legs and sides with a red and white lightning pattern. He wears reinforced, knee-length black boots and black knee pads. His wrists and hands are taped, and his elbows are protected by black leather elbow guards. Rounding off his attire is a rather unusual prop - a bleached human skull, which he usually leaves on the announce table when he's wrestling. The skull bears the name of "Mr. Skull Head".
Outside the ring, Sands usually wears jeans and either an Ottawa Senators jersey, an AC-DC shirt, or an "EXISTENCE IS FUTILE" shirt.

PERSONALITY: Christian Sands has lost it. By no means is he entirely sane. He is rather withdrawn and dark, often totally depressive. Furthermore, he has an extremely foul temper and is rather easily pissed off. He is slow to trust others and confides only in his constant companion - the bleached skull known as Mr. Skull Head. In fact, Sands is so out of it that he'll often use the skull as a sort of hand puppet and talk back to himself.
In the ring, Sands shows an alarming tendency to enjoy pain - not only his opponents', but also his own pain. He will go through the most dangerous spots and take the most dangerous bumps imaginable without hesitation. This mentality is a reflection of just how crazy he is; he has no concept of the limits of the human body. Thus, while any damage he takes has the same impact on his body as it would on any other human, he'll fight through the pain.

Born to a middle-class family in Barrie, Ontario, Christian Sands grew up like any regular kid would. He carried a B- average in school and could frequently be found playing outdoor sports with his friends. However, no matter what he was doing, Christian would always put it aside at certain times every night to go inside and watch WWF wrestling. For most of his early childhood, young Christian dreamed of becoming a wrestler. He began to realize that dream in his early days of high school, when he heard an announcement on the PA system urging students to try out for the school wrestling team. Christian was the first in line to try out.
Christian's coaches found him to be a highly skilled and eager competitor despite a certain lack of aggression. However, that soon changed. When Christian was in the eleventh grade, a drunken semi-truck driver smashed into his parents' station wagon, killing them both instantly. Christian, who was out of town in a school-sponsored wrestling tournament, heard the news via phone call from an uncle. When asked if he wanted to go home, however, Christian declined. That night, Christian stepped into the ring and totally overwhelmed his much larger opponent before storming out of the ring in a blind fury.
Christian remembers little of what happened afterward, but he has since been told that when his friends and coach tried to console him, he went berserk and started breaking things. Either way, he soon found himself off the wrestling team and on his way back to Barrie.
His expulsion from the wrestling team served as icing on the cake to the already devastating effect of his parents' deaths. From that point forward, Christian Sands was not the same. He became extremely foul-tempered and introverted, causing everybody to avoid him. Signs of paranoia began to crop up in him, and he began believing that everybody was out to get him. As he grew older, he became more and more unusual in his behaviour. His godfather soon sent him to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed Christian as paranoid and slightly insane. Medication was prescribed, but Christian refused to take it. Instead, he hopped in his beat-up old Chevette and left Barrie forever.
Despite his descent into partial insanity, Christian still dreamed of becoming a wrestler. He managed to work his way into an independent league in northern Ontario, where he thrived as a successful wrestler. It was in the indy leagues that he acquired Mr. Skull Head; he purchased the item in a novelty shop in Thunder Bay. Strangely, the ever-introverted Sands developed a sort of attachment with the inanimate object, considering it his confidante. Despite his odd behaviour, however, he caught the eye of several pro wrestling scouts. The first to approach him was an agent from Global X-Treme Wrestling, with who Christian agreed to sign a contract.

Titles Held:

Enterance: As the first 12 seconds of the song cue up, nothing happens save for Sands' video playing on the tron. However, as the heavy riffs blast across the sound system, the arena lights dim to rapidly flickering red as Christian Sands makes his way down the ramp with Mr. Skull Head tucked under his arm. He passes the ring, placing Mr. Skull Head on the announce table, then rolls into the ring. If he is the first out, he begins stretching in the ring. If his opponent is already out, he'll stare at them and slowly begin to circle them.

Normal Moves: 1) Knife-edged chops
2) Scoop slam
3) Snap suplex
4) Headlock
5) Standing crossface
6) Piledriver
7) Dragon sleeper
8) High angle back drop
9) Release German suplex
10) Leg drop
11) Standing leg lock
12) Eastern stretch
13) Anklelock
14) STF
15) Top-rope missile dropkick
16) Superplex
17) Lionsault
18) Springboard back elbow attack
19) Spear
20) Torture Rack
21) Powerslam
22) Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
23) Running big boot
24) Face drag across the top rope
25) Piledriver on a steel chair

Set up move: Kick to stomach

Set up Description: Er, it's a kick to the stomach.

Finishing Move:
The Sandman's Requiem

Finishing Move Description:
Description of Finisher: Sands takes the opponent and puts him in an arm wrench, then places a knee against the victim's spine and turns the arm wrench into an armbar takedown, using the knee and the arm to force the opponent to his stomach. Sands then locks in a modified Crippler Crossface with the arm he was wrenching caught in the hold. With the knee still driven into the opponent's spine, he proceeds to pull back, wrenching the opponent's neck and back.

Recent Quote: "And make no mistake... I fully intend to shove my hand down your throat and rip out your f*cking soul."

Manager Name: Mr. Skull Head

Description of Manager: Well, he's a bleached skull. He's also inanimate. But hey, Sands considers him real, so... he's nuts. ^_^

"I'll snap your spine like a straw."

Wrestler's Image:
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Handlers Name:
Jeff Bolichowski

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
Drake Dai

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