Wrestler Name:
"The King of the World" Matt Callas

Real Name:

Height: 5'11" Weight:230lbs

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA

Enterance Music: "King of my World" by Saliva

Alignment: Face

Background Information:
APPEARANCE- Matt Callas is very well built man in his late 20's, he has short, dark brown hair with blond tips. Also he has a well trimmed brown goatee. He wears red tights barbed wire designs on them. His boots,kneepads, and wristbands are black.
PERSONALITY- Matt Callas is a very serious man who doesn't let anyone walk out of the ring without an injury. He doesn't need or have any friends or allies. He has a mothedically planned approach to every match he competes in. Despite his behavior, in and out of the ring, the fans still cheer him because he always give his all in every match.
HISTORY- Matt Callas grew up in Pittsburgh watching guys like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair for years. It wasn't long before he saw how, despite wrestling ability, guys were being overshadowed by wrestlers such as The Big Show, The Undertaker, and Hulk Hogan. He could take it no longer, so he left his job, as a professional hitman, to become a pro wrestler. He went to Shawn Michaels Wrestling Academy to learn the basics of professional wrestling. After that, he traveled north to the Hart Brothers Wrestling Camp to learn technical, mothedical, submission style wrestling. Then, he went across the oceans to Japan, where he trainer for months improving his skills. Finally, he came to the GXW to show everyone that wrestling skill is more important than size. He promises, he will cripple anybody who gets in his path to the top.

Titles Held:

Enterance: All the lights go out in the arena, the entrance stage fills with smoke. "King of my World" by Saliva begins to blare over the speakers. Matt Callas comes up from under the stage out of the smoke and walks down to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd.

Normal Moves: 1) Knife-Edge Chop
2) Elbow Smash to Face
3) Kick to Midsection
4) Punch to Face
5) High Angle Backdrop
6) Facecrusher
7) Springboard Dropkick to Knee
8) Figure Four Leglock around ringpost
9) Neckbreaker
10)Dragon Suplex
13)Double Snap Suplex
15)Triple German Suplex
16)Split-Legged Moonsault
17)German Suplex Pin
18)Reverse Spinning Neckbreaker
19)Top Rope Frog Splash
20)Top Rope Sunset Fip Powerbomb
21)Top Rope German Suplex
22)Top Rope Springboard Senton Splash
23)Top Rope Springboard Scissor Kick
24)Elevated Boston Crab

Set up move: Superkick

Set up Description: A straight thrust kick to the chin of the opponent. Can be done into a chair that the opponent is holding.

Finishing Move:
The Dethroner or The King's Crown

Finishing Move Description:
The Dethroner-It's an ankle lock that can be applied at any position and at any point in the match. If an opponent tries to grab the ropes, He just pulls them back into the center of the ring and locks it on even tighter to the point where the opponent has no choice but to tap out.

The King's Crown-A high impact version of the "Angle Slam" that can be done standing or, only in high stakes matches, off the top rope. Can also be used as a set up for the Ankle Lock.

Recent Quote: " I'm the King of the World, now...and forever!"

Manager Name:

Description of Manager:

" I'm the King of the World!"
" I will rule you!"

Wrestler's Image:

Handlers Name:
Westin Smith

Email Address:

Messenger Identity:
MSN: My name is better than your's!

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