Wrestler Name:
Jason Showtime
Weight:274 lbs.
San Diego, California
Entrance Music:
"Get Over It" by Eagles
Biography: Jason grew up in San Diego, California. His dream was to be in the entertainment business. As his life went on, he met someone known as Tim Philips. This man, introduced Jason to the wrestling entertainment business. Jason then became known as Mr. Showtime. He worked at his career, but he never made it big. He then began to think, 'I should run my own fed.' Mr. Showtime did just that and made the SCW, Showtime Championship Wrestling. Things ran pretty smoothly. Until he hired, long-time friend, Erik Erratic. This got him thinking that he should redesign the SCW. This process was long and hard, but he finally came up with TSW, Total Showtime Wrestling. With the partnership of Fwresling.com and the TV deals with USA Network and the TBS Network, TSW has become very successful.
Typical Moves:
Sambo Suplex Figure Four Leg Lock Snap Suplex Spinning Heel Kick Missile Dropkick Spinning DDT
Setup Move:
Freature Presentation
Setup Description: Sitdown Chokeslam
Finishing Move:
Double Feature
Finishing Move Description: Elbow and Leg Drop of the top turnbuckle, all at once.
Manager Description:
Favorite Matches:
Four-Way TSW Heavyweight Title Ladder Match - Fastlane TSW World Title Elimination Match - Master of the Ring Mr. Showtime and Genesis vs. Katsudo and Onslaught - Saturday Night Fuel 8/17/02
"It's Showtime"
Recent Quote:
"It's time to go Primetime!"
Entrance Description: "Get Over It" hits and Jason Showtime comes out from behind the curtain. He continues down the ring pointing to some of the fans. He enters the ring and grabs a microphone.
Handlers Name:
Email Address:
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