Welcome to Total Showtime Wrestling, taking E-Wrestling, Primetime!!!
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Wrestler Name:
Lone Wolf

Height: 6'2 Weight:252 lbs

Hometown: Washington DC

Alignment: Neutral

Entrance Music: Grand Theft Auto


Typical Moves:
Discus Punch, Clothesline, Bow Back Breaker, Boston Crab, Vertical Suplex, Powerslam, DDT, Dragon Suplex, German Suplex, Dropkick

Setup Move:
Whip to Ropes

Setup Description:
Whip to ropes

Finishing Move:
White Fang

Finishing Move Description:
Samoan Neckbreaker


Manager Description:

Favorite Matches:

"Oh good golly gosh no"

Recent Quote:

Entrance Description:
("Grand Theft Auto" plays, Wolf walks out to the ring, rolls under the bottom rope.)

Handlers Name:
James Knight

Email Address:

Messenger Identity: