Wrestler Name:
"NoWon" Christian Kuone
Helena, Montana
Entrance Music:
Stand Here With Me by Creed
Biography: Started off as a Boxer. He won the golden gloves twice, and took the MiddleWt Title. Then he went to the army and stayed there for three years. After that he got into wrestling and joined the ICWA. There he won the tag team and world championships. But he didn't like it so he moved on and joined the IWF. There he captured the World Title seven times, the IC Title, US Title, Tag Team Title, CruiserWt title, and hardcore title. He injured both his knees by superextending them in matches. Now he wears braces on each knee. The IwF closed down and he reopened it. Now he is also part of the BWF where he holds the World Title.
Typical Moves:
Any Suplex, Hurricanrana, Shooting Star Press, Bronco Buster, heel kick, ensiguri, spinal tap, powerbomb,
Setup Move:
NoWon's Slam
Setup Description: Olympic Slam
Finishing Move:
Down (Elevated DownWard Spiral)
Finishing Move Description: Elevated DownWardSpiral
Beautiful American Princess
Manager Description:
wears american flag clothing.
Favorite Matches:
Ladder, TLC,Iowa JunkYard Match(a thirty foot hight junk pile from the junkyard, the wrestlers fight to the top using anything to take out opponent, the first one to the top wins.)
Recent Quote:
I am Nowon's Saviour!
Entrance Description: (The Lights fade and You Stand Here With Me plays and so does Christians video which is a cross in the midst of flames with a man on it, the man is seen to be an animated cartoon of Christian. He lift his head to the sky and opens his mouth as if to scream but instead a light emits from his mouth and shoots to the heavens, then the nails that are holding him to the cross explode out fo the cross and he falls to the ground. Then he picks himself up and wings sprout out of his back and he flies off into the sun set, and starts showing clips of his past matches. Then Christian comes walking out from behind the curtains and walks to the ring.)
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