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Wrestler Name:
7` 5``
Weight:185 pounds
Entrance Music:
Guerilla Radio by Rage Against the Machine
Biography: Smith grew up in the suburbs of Connecticut, USA and endured a dull, uneventful life through high school and college. In college, he chanced upon the wrestling club and soon became a skilled technical wrestler. After many years of training, Smith took part in the National Championship, only to lose in the final.
Later, Smith regained his confidence and composure and was able to join a small-town amateur wrestling circuit. He slowly rose to the top, and upon reaching the peak of his fame, Smith returned to finish his uncomplete business. He became the National Champion, showing great tenacity and courage.
Now, Smith returns to wrestling, as a pro, and seeks to become one of the front-runners in the business
Typical Moves:
Dropkick, Spinning heel kick, superkick, clothesline, second rope leg drop, elbow drop, knee smash, DDT, tilt-a-whirl slam, small package, superplex. "Mach drop" -back drop into flapjack
Setup Move:
Setup Description: Smith sets the opponent up on the rope, leaning him on the top rope and bouncing of the opposite set of ropes, cartwheeling over the opponent, X-factoring him onto the rope, leaving him dazed and groggy, while Smith climbs to the turnbuckle getting ready for Le Smithski
Finishing Move:
Le Smithski
Finishing Move Description: Smith climbs to the top rope, then bounces off, leaping at opponent in a missile dropkick, simultaneously spinning his body 360 degrees sideways before impacting on opponent's head
Manager Description:
Favorite Matches:
Singles, Hardcore and tag matches
That's not good!
Recent Quote:
The whole world is watching you, and I'M the whole world! You can't beat me, you can't beat anyone. And that's not good!
Entrance Description: Smith's name is traced across the arena with lasers and small batches of white pyro explode from the stage. Smith steps out of the curtain and slowly walks down to the ring, staring at anybody in the ring, and climbs the ring steps, onto the turnbuckle, and then hops off the other side.
Handlers Name:
Daryl Goh
Email Address:
Messenger Identity: