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Wrestler Name:
Wes Gasmex
Weight:243 lbs
Goteborg, Sweden.
Entrance Music:
"Wester" by AFI
Biography: Born in 1974, in Goteborg, Sweden, Wes had a Singaporean mother and a Swedish father. Wes's mother had earlier migrated to Sweden along with his father after they met in Singapore. Wes, being born in Sweden, stayed there with his family and occasionally visited his semi-native Singapore. Having a real long name like, which was, Wesley Gasson St Mexes, Wes decided to change his name to a short Wes Gasmex when he grew up to be an adult. Gasmex studied in Swedish schools till he was 16, when he proceeded to England to further his studies. At the age of 16, Gasmex entered a gym for the first time in his life. He fell in love with working out. Since then, he has went to the gym at least once every two days, even when he's on the road. It was as much a part of his life as a part of someone who doesn't go to the gym. In the way that those people cannot imagine going to the gym, while Gasmex can't imagine not going to the gym. Soon, he became really buff. By the age of 24, Gasmex graduated from the University of Birmingham with a degree in law.
Wes Gasmex then left for America, where he was supposed to meet a relative from Sweden. While there, he visited a gym, and got spotted by a scout from one of those indy federations. They invited him to the fed and he did join. Soon, he began making a name for himself around the indy circuit. After runs in feds like the WECWF, Gasmex joined a mainstream fed in San Diego, but run by Singaporeans, the World Combat Union. In just his first month, Gasmex won the WCU World title and the tag titles along with his best friend and colleague. After the fed had some problems, Wes Gasmex decided to follow the steps of a few former colleagues and come to Total Showtime Wrestling. A new era has begun...
Typical Moves:
Geyser Rush(rushing flip clothesline). The Twist(Inverted tilt-a-whirl into inverted sidewalk slam). Atomic facebuster. Side headlock Bulldog. Modified Boston crab(Instead of sitting , Wes stands into a Walls of Jericho-like position and sinks a knee into the opponent's back, applying more pressure). Superkick. Running clothesline. Jumping DDT(Buzzkiller). Neckbreaker.
Setup Move:
Setup Description: Unprettier twist in facebuster. More detailed, Gasmex hooks the opponent's arms from behind and twists him around and slams opponent's head into his knee.
Finishing Move:
Dead End
Finishing Move Description: Gasmex kicks opponent in the gut and hooks his arms up, as if for a Pedigree. But then Gasmex, with opponent's arms still hooked but his head not under Wes's legs, runs up any obstacle(eg. turnbuckle), springboards off and tornadoes into a Pedigree.
Manager Description:
Favorite Matches:
Anything, anytime, anywhere.
"When you play with fire, you're bound to get burned!"
Recent Quote:
"If you give a man a fire, he shall be warm for a day. But if you set a man on fire, he shall be warm forever."
Entrance Description: The lights go out. The lyrics of "Wester" can be heard, but it's really soft. The lyrics get louder and louder, as flashes from Wes's matches show on the Tron. The lyrics get really loud and hits the point where it goes "Tonight!" and there's a pause, after which huge pyro hits. The lights come and Wes Gasmex walks out. He walks out and poses in the ring, on the turnbuckles.
Handlers Name:
Just Seng
Email Address:
Messenger Identity:
MSN: punkzillla@hotmail.com