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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

Recent content by CycloneJK

  1. C

    A New Chapter

    “Estimated time of arrival 9.30 a.m. Been up before the sun and now I'm tired before I even begin. (Now you're flying) I got so much work in front of me, (Really flying) it stretches out far as the eye can see. I can see.” *Her daddy played that song every time they travelled somewhere new for...
  2. C

    My Last Hurrah

    There is only so much one can do before he calls it a day. There can only be so much, after all. I've come to that stage in my career where I can look back and say, you know what, I've had a pretty good run. Perhaps it's not one littered with world titles, Hall of Fame inductions or magazine...
  3. C

    "The Cyclone" JK

    APPLICATION - Handler Name: Jordan King - Contact Info: @JK_2009 (Twitter) - Current EFed (if any): N/A - Are you representing that EFed with this character?:Representing last fed; UGWC - Is anyone else from your EFed entered in Battlemania? Yes Character Name: 'The Cyclone' JK Height: 6'3"...

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