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Recent content by eating faces

  1. eating faces

    sh-tty sh-t and the sh-t that sh-ts it.

    NOVA'S FUNK CABIN ON THE FUNK LANK IN THE FUNK MOUNTAINS INT. NIGHT. OR SOME SH*T. NOVA sits all by his lonesome, feeling a bit depressed. The NFW camera crew documents his woes as he begins smoking a blunt. NOVA The Kid is gone. Lindz isn't here, and she's got her own problems. Eli's...
  2. eating faces

    The Illustrious Face-Eater

    i plagiarized Oz' layout. MEMBER INFORMATION: Name: joe Email Address: joe@wiseasscomment.com AIM/Yahoo Messenger: wiseasscomment WRESTLER INFORMATION: Wrestler Name: The Illustrious Face-Eater, Adam Dick Height: 6'0 Weight: 198 lbs Hailing From: Salt Lake City, Utah Handedness: Right...
  3. eating faces


    between this place and ACW, it's easy to keep an eye on all my tSC Alumni. Hi, my name is Joe Schmidt. if the name doesn't ring a bell, I used to handle Deft. I know a few of you guys from way back there, good to see Katz is keeping up with the good work. So, Hi Pants! Hi...

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