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Welcome to TWW


Jan 1, 2000
Hey everyone. This is the first night in TROY WINDHAM WRESTLING. It's going to be run by me and Devin.

Here is what differentiates this league from everyone else:

1) Professional wrestling is, without a doubt, the sleaziest industry in the world except for MAYBE porn but even that's debatable. We want this to show in your characters. We want guys with neck tats, fanny packs, sleeveless shirts with animals on the front, permed mullets, missing teeth and various addictions.

If you want to join with an existing character, that's awesome. But just be prepared to add a little sleaze to his/her persona. We're not asking for anything much, just something like an inexplicable rash.

If you need help, think of what WCW was like before it folded. Or various regional promotions around 1992 when the only guys in those leagues were people like Tugboat or Chazz or Doug Gilbert.

2) This league will take place in small arenas in small cities in New England and Atlantic Canada. Wrestlers will make about $55 a match. So think of why your guy would need to wrestle in such crappy conditions.

3) We're not looking for much with RPs. Just a few notes here and there whenever you want them. We want to make this the least competitive/involved league in FW history.

4) We're just going to put cards up whenever we feel like it. Some of them we won't even announce. We'll just write something because we want to write something. And matches on the cards will be written in about one paragraph in length. Angles and storylines and interviews will be written out more in length. I'm way more interested in that.

5) If you whine about anything that happens to your character in this league we'll kick you out no problem. It's all in good fun and we'd like everyone to take this mildly serious.

7) There's going to be a ton of my own guys in this league. Mostly my more ridiculous creations over the eons. If you see a character I do that you'd like to run, just ask me and we'll do it up.

7) To join, post in this note. Put in your characters size, what he/she looks like, what makes he/she sleazy (physically as well as in the characters background), a one sentence description of the gimmick, his/her wrestling style, a couple of trademark moves and a finisher. And anything else we might need.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Did somebody say sleezy? You know it can't be sleezy unless Problem Child is on board! Maybe Benjamin Hernandez will even manage him. Dude...sleezy? PC is honored to be your first member! LOL.

35 years old (It's been over 10 years since he's competed in UWA!)
6'1, 225
Dresses in cutoff jean shorts, black Doc Martens boots, a band t-shirt (usually White Zombie, Prong, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, or NO-FX). Brown hair, brown eyes, usually dyes his hair black and spikes it up a bit. Sometimes goes for the skinhead look. Total scumbag. Looks kinda like Justin Credible.
Known for his super-slick DDTs and is mostly a high flyer. Moves include any type of DDT, Suplex, or top rope maneuver. Likes the frog splash, flying elbow, flying legdrop, and diving into the crowd at his opponents.
FINISHER: A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) It's a spinning belly to belly piledriver.
THEME: "More Human Than Human" by White Zombie
TITLES HELD: UWA Mid-Western States Title, ACW Interstate Title
Why is he a scumbag? Dude, do you even have to ask? His mother is a drug addicted former prostitute whom PC regularly walks in on having sex with extremely large black and Puerto Rican men (like the time he caught her with Michael Clarke Duncan from the Green Mile). His apartment complex is so dirty, he has to be wary of being stabbed with syringes as he walks up the stairs. He regularly lights dog **** on fire in front of his boss's office! PC is broke as ****, been out of the business for 5 and a half years, and happens to be a former stable mate of Troy Windham's back from their UWA days. PC has called in a favor to his old Frat stablemate Troy, asking to be on the TWW payroll. How can Troy say no?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Just posting a character that'll be joining the TWW ranks. :-D


"Tragic" Terry Aucoin

Real Name: Terry W. Aucoin
Height: 6'
Weight: 232 lbs.
Hometown: Wherever the cost (and subsequent standard) of living is so inconceivably, wretchedly low, that even a bum such as him can make rent
The Sleaze, Please: Terry's the most unlucky person on the face of the planet. His whole life has been wrought with tragedy, but he somehow takes it all in stride. Physically, he resembles a puppy that's been beaten down and abused to where it's life force has been visibly snuffed out. Think Eeyore. Terry's essentially Eeyore in human form.

Wrestling Style: Present-era Ric Flair without the signature spots, AKA stumbling around the ring, occasionally dishing out pathetically weak offence
Favourite Moves: Measured punch to the forehead (he's broken his hand doing this COUNTLESS times), drop toe hold (sprained his ankle a half a dozen times attempting to execute this one), Oklahoma Stampede (gets winded halfway across the ring and slams his opponent weakly to the mat)
Finisher: German Suplex (nine times out of ten the person being suplexed will land on Terry's head)


"The Anime Adonis" HardBody

Real Name: UNKNOWN
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 252 lbs.
Hometown: UNKNOWN
The Sleaze, Please: HardBody suffers from psychosexual dysfunction. On top of that, he happens to be a complete weirdo pervert who wears a pink thong and a giant anime character head to the ring (nothing else, no boots, no pads, nothin'). Said anime character has pink hair, rosy cheeks, giant eyes (of course), and appears to be female; judging by the bulge in HardBody's crotchal region, however, he is not. Also: He's more greased up than all former 80s stars put together.

Wrestling Style: Perverted manhandling
Favourite Moves: Licking opponents in places they don't want to be licked, tweaking their nipples, playful slapping
Finisher: "Checking The Oil" – HardBody sticks his finger up his opponent's ass
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It doesn't come off. That's Rule #1
Aug 19, 2008
NAME: Masked Violator 1
HOMETOWN: Undisclosed
APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: MV1 is mild mannered, confident, patriotic, and neurotically clean. He wears a blue mexican-style wrestling mask with red and yellow trim. All of the time. Literally. It doesn't come off, that's rule #1. He is always positive, always with a plan or a friendly word of encouragement. And he's probably not all that bright. In the ring he wears his trusty mask (duh.) and a black singlet w/ the MV colors. He is, to date, the most wholesome face this promotion has seen and is THRILLED to know he was one of the very, very few to be kept on the company payroll.

Moves: Babyface nonsense. Suplexes, chops, submissions and cheesey-ness.
FINISHER: Moving Violation. i don't remember what it actually is. That kid douche'ily deleted our profiles. Maybe my partner'll remember.

TWW -- Prepare to Be Violated.

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We eat, sleep and F[BEEP]K in our masks
Aug 19, 2008
NAME: Masked Violator 2
HEIGHT: 5'10
HOMETOWN: Undisclosed
APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: MV2 is animated, angry, judgemental, disrespectful, and more than likely, always either drunk or high. He wears a red mexican-style wrestling mask, with blue and yellow trime. All of the time. Literally. No matter how much he hates it. He's the exact opposite of Violator 1. He's always negative. He's annoying. And, he'll pick a fight with an old lady. He's not the brightest apple in the barrel, but he's street smart. He's so unpatriotic one wouldn't be surprised if his trusty mask concealed the identity of a criminal mastermind, or a terrorist. Other than his mask(d'uh), his ring attire consists of a black singlet w/ the MV colors with the a gigantic 'MV' on the chest area.

Moves: He's a heel. So he'll do the majority of the brawling on the team. Add in a german/t-bone/suplex, DDT, brainbuster, and piledriver, and yout, too could be Masked Violator 2. nonsense.

FINISHER: Moving Violation. i, too, don't remember what it actually is. As my partner explained, that kid douche'ily deleted our profiles. But, we're working on it.

TWW -- Prepare to Be Violated.


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Jan 1, 2000
A few other things:

1) I'd appreciate it if someone could join this promotion with a big fat guy ala King Kong Bundy. I always like big fat guys.

2) Try to use local color. In my RP's, I actually looked up government officials in Lewiston, Maine. Do stuff like that.


Jan 1, 2000
"Iceman" Kevin Kearns
6'2", 245 pounds
From: Lubbock, Texas
Moves: Running kneelift, clothesline, punches, stomps, eye rakes, basic suplexes.
Description: Has long bleach blonde Buddy Landell-style hair with a dark brown beard. Often wears Texas flags as bandanas. Has 18% body fat and also has blood sugar issues.
FIN: "Deep Freeze" sleeper.
GIMMICK: Veteran old-school wrestler imprisoned for several years for missing back child support payments from one of his ex-wives.

His valet is Lady Veronica. She was at one time a beauty pageant contestant who finished in second place in the Miss Lubbock competition. She has the word "Iceman" tatooed on her neck. Despite Iceman's incarceration, she stayed with her man out of a sense of both loyalty and shared debt.


League Member
Sep 6, 2008
A few other things:

1) I'd appreciate it if someone could join this promotion with a big fat guy ala King Kong Bundy. I always like big fat guys.

2) Try to use local color. In my RP's, I actually looked up government officials in Lewiston, Maine. Do stuff like that.

Big Daddy
6'11", 450 pounds
From: Cockintake, United Kingdom (yes its a real town)
Moves: Chop, sidewalk slam, leg drop, headbutt, cobra clutch, big boot, shoulder block
Finishers: Who's Yo' Daddy? (Bear Hug), Curtian Call (Choke Slam)
Description: Brown hair, fat ass, slow as balls, no muscle on him - just fat, brown eyes, white
GIMMICK: fat arrogant dick from the UK who sat on his parents wealth and somehow became "successful".


Sep 10, 2008
acme michigan
this f*ckin league looks cool. just seriously tho guys i dont wanna deal with any f*ckin assfags so please no comments about my band that are negative. im sorry if i sound mean i dont mean that but f*ckin seriously. ok thanks. here is my guy.

270 muscle not fat
acme michigan
gimmick: he is the macho man but bigger and loves death metal like me. he comes to the ring in a megadeth "killing is my business and business is good" tshirt. seriously though whoever does this league dont make anyone rip his tshirt cause its a f*ckin awesome shirt (i have it) and it would be stupid if he had to wear something else. so please dont do that. he comes to the ring with mesa boogie guitar and sometimes will use it during the match. his hair is like mine but longer.
moves: all of macho man's moves.
finisher: "killing is my business...and business is good!" its a two part powerbomb. first when he hooks the guy and brings him up, one announcer says "killing is my business..." and then when he slams the guy to the mat the other announcer says "and business is good!"
entrance music: this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywE_5s1seig that's my band and me. its called "purse of the black soul taker" by NO ENTRY. and please pay no attention to the comments, we didn;t even post that video. one of our rivals did. and then people left bad comments but some gave us credit. all i gotta say is if you think playiong a f*ckin metal festival is easy then you do it. f*ckin assfags seriously. ok hope you book me. bye.


Jan 1, 2000
You're in!

this f*ckin league looks cool. just seriously tho guys i dont wanna deal with any f*ckin assfags so please no comments about my band that are negative. im sorry if i sound mean i dont mean that but f*ckin seriously. ok thanks. here is my guy.

270 muscle not fat
acme michigan
gimmick: he is the macho man but bigger and loves death metal like me. he comes to the ring in a megadeth "killing is my business and business is good" tshirt. seriously though whoever does this league dont make anyone rip his tshirt cause its a f*ckin awesome shirt (i have it) and it would be stupid if he had to wear something else. so please dont do that. he comes to the ring with mesa boogie guitar and sometimes will use it during the match. his hair is like mine but longer.
moves: all of macho man's moves.
finisher: "killing is my business...and business is good!" its a two part powerbomb. first when he hooks the guy and brings him up, one announcer says "killing is my business..." and then when he slams the guy to the mat the other announcer says "and business is good!"
entrance music: this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywE_5s1seig that's my band and me. its called "purse of the black soul taker" by NO ENTRY. and please pay no attention to the comments, we didn;t even post that video. one of our rivals did. and then people left bad comments but some gave us credit. all i gotta say is if you think playiong a f*ckin metal festival is easy then you do it. f*ckin assfags seriously. ok hope you book me. bye.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
NAME: The Judgement Caller
HEIGHT: 6'10"
WEIGHT: 364 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Undisclosed
APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: TJC is a generic big man who wears black leather pants and combat boots, nothing else. He's got short black hair, which he gels up messily. His gimmick consists of him carrying a 80s-style cell phone to the ring, and telling the fans "IT'S FOR YOU!" That's about it. Basically, a former promoter told him he needed something to set him apart from the other "Big Nasty" in the fed, so he went and bought his now infamous prop at a local thrift store and based his whole persona around it.

MOVES: Punch, kick, bodyslam, front lifting choke, DDT, headbutt

FINISHER: "JUDGEMENT CALLS LATE" – TJC presses his opponent over his head, then drops them, and as they fall, he jumps and drives the top of his head into the victim's sternum



NAME: "The Stick-Up Kid" Jon Davies
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 156 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Portland, Maine
APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: Jon Davies is a scrawny kid with limited wrestling training and experience. He's got a combed back mullet, and he wears white knee pads over acid wash jeans, and a black leather vest over a poorly made WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE (FOR KICKIN' ASS!): THE STICK-UP KID shirt. His calling card is his "stick-'em-up" hand gesture.

MOVES: Flying forearm, top rope elbow drop, Frankensteiner, elevated Boston Crab

FINISHER: Superkick


More to come :p

Whats Your Alias

League Member
Aug 30, 2004
NAME: "The Dallas Maverick" Roscoe Riley
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 183 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Elbow, Saskatchewan

APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: White, faded, wrinkly, stained "1987 Midwest Division Champs - Dallas Mavericks", half tucked into dirt (and a little ****) stained blue jeans. A vest over the shirt, that's the color of that old Dallas green if it was washed in unsoftened small town water about a million damned times.

Cowboy boots, that Roscoe calls the **** Kicks. He's put R's on the outside ankles of both with white out.

Self-buzzed graying black hair, and a mustache that would make Tom Selleck want to punch himself in jealousy.

Wiry frame, though still with a bit of a paunch.

Loves the Dallas Mavericks. Not the new white and blue Mavericks though, with that f*ckin' horse on the logo, though. He hates f*ckin' horses after one killed his father. See, his father was a horse jizz pirate (what dad liked to call himself), who was trampled by Smarty Jones after trying to steal some of the almost Triple Crown winners baby batter for big green.

God damn Smarty Jones. But jacking off racing horses is dangerous business.

But yeah, the Dallas Mavericks are what's important, so back to them. Rolando Blackman is better then Michael Jordan. The Three J's shoulda been the holy trinity. Mention Dirk in the 2006 or 2007 playoffs to him, and he'll punch you in the neck. And that green and blue M with the cowboy hat? Better hope that Rosecoe doesn't try to brand that into your @ss if you piss him off!

Also, his snack of choice is jack rabbit jerkey.

MOVES: Punch, kick, headbutt. Rudimentary technical skills supported by dirty brawling.

FINISHER: The Maverick Maker - Choking Reverse DDT, Cuban Missile Crisis - Three consecutive dropkicks while opponent is in the corner (can be a little slow getting up if it's a longer match, since his stamina is for sh*t)
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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
NAME: El Gordo Grande
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 325 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico

APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: Think of a very large overwieght mexican man. El Gordo wears a t-shirt that is green that is very small for his size, therefore his fat protrudes out from under the shirt. He wear's red pants that are also small in size and expose the rolls on his thighs and white wrestling shoes, because he is to poor to purcahse boots. He also wears a wool mask that is knitted green white and red.

MOVES: Slaps to the face, pokes the eyes, kicks to the balls, suplexs, and just basic chain wrestling

FINISHER: "Chubacabra" Irish whips opponent into turn buckle so they are sitting and runs full speed into them butt to face.

Music: "Mexican Radio" by Wall Of Voodoo


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
NAME: "The Crippler" Cameron Cruise
HEIGHT: 6'4"
WEIGHT: 264 lbs.
HOMETOWN: Jacksonville, NC

MOVES: Basically think HBK, with Billy Kidman mixed.

FINISHER: Reality Check--Think "Kanyon's Flatliner"
Cruise Control--An Intensified STF.
Shipwreck--Over the shoulder Cradle Piledriver

Music: "All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)" by Bullet For My Valentine


Just Like Law-Jesus
May 15, 2005
The wrong side of the bong slide.

NAME: “Duckfight”
HEIGHT: 7’6”
WEIGHT: 573 lbs.

HOMETOWN: Parts Unknown

APPEARANCE/MANNERISMS: Have you ever seen anything as brutal or beautiful as a duck fight?
MOVES: Very slowly.
FINISHER: Found here.


Active member
Jun 18, 2004
Roderick Returns!

Name: Roderick McRatrick
From: New Scamington, Nigeria
Ht: 6'2"
Wt: 240 lbs.
Apperance: Same as before, (skinny, Rollie Fingers moustache) only now sports a mullet
Ring attire: Black assless and crotchless chaps, flip flops and, by order of the health code, an athletic supporter to cover his junk
Moveset: Cheating
Finisher: The Backstabber - Jeff Jarrett's Stroke, only with a full nelson applied
Entrance Music: Why Can't We Be Friends? - War


League Member
May 21, 2008
Inland Empire, Southern California
“Candyman” Carl Lee Williams
Ht.: 6’5” Wt.: 399 Age: 35
Hair: Light brown Eyes: Green <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Hometown: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place><st1:City>Boaz</st1:City>, <st1:State>Alabama</st1:State></st1:place><o:p></o:p>
Entrance Music: “When You’re Hot, You’re Hot” – Jerry Reed<o:p></o:p>
Nicknames: “Bubba”, “Bocephus”, “Trailer Made Man”<o:p></o:p>
Life History: Carl Lee has an “old lady” named <st1:place>Doris</st1:place>. She claims to be 34, but easily looks 54. Also known proudly as “The Trailer Park Tramp”, <st1:place>Doris</st1:place> is very much in love with her “Big Candyman”. Drives around to all of his wrestling matches in a Neon Pink/Primer Gray 67’ Volkswagon Van. Candyman Tour 2008 is spray painted on each side of the van. You can also see where 2005, 2006 and 2007 have been crossed out by the same color paint. He loves cheap beer, BBQ and Hooters Chicken Wings.<o:p></o:p>
Face/Heel: Face, Brings out 99 Cent Store type no name candy in a dirty canvas bag to give to the kids. Carl Lee throws the candy so hard sometimes that he scares the kids or parents. He also carries a couple of beers in the bag to have for himself after the match. Has mistakenly given a beer to one of his young fans. But, he thought she was old enough.
Look: Carl Lee looks like a dirtied up, Vader. Huge beer belly but thinner legs. His hair hasn’t been washed and get too close to his crotch area and you will smell how long it’s been since he has had a bath. You might even smell a bit of <st1:place>Doris</st1:place>. <o:p></o:p>
Attire: Wears flannels and t-shirts with the sleeves cut off, ripped jeans with confederate flag iron on patches on the behind and the knees. “Candy Man” is hand written (with a black sharpie) on the back of the shirts and down the leg of the jeans. Also wears a dirty blue baseball cap with a Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. patch on the front and easy to notice sweat marks around the band of the cap.<o:p></o:p>
Wrestling History: None. All of his experience comes from watching wrestling on television and then performing the moves he saw on tv on all of his cousins. Has gone to many wrestling shows and knows he can wrestle just like them other guys. Has a southern drawl and it shows in many of the promos that he does and is very fond of his <st1:place>Dixie</st1:place> heritage. Is an icon on the independent wrestling circuit in the south. Had to leave town with his old lady, Doris after hearing from his step father/brother that the police was after him for back child support from that one night stand with his 15 year old cousin, who is also named <st1:place>Doris</st1:place>.<o:p></o:p>
Finishing Maneuver: BEER RUN (Black Hole Slam)<o:p></o:p>
Trademark Moves: 1) Wheelbarrow Facebuster 2) Clothesline from second rope 3) Double Ear Clap 4) Slingshot into corner into running body splash 5) Jackknife Powerbomb<o:p></o:p>


The REAL Funk U. T-shirt
Aug 26, 2008
your fuggen hero: goldFISH


Real Name: Unknown
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 354 lbs.
Hometown: Unknown
The Sleaze, Please: goldFISH has rare condition called "Carassius auratus Amnesia". Carassius auratus Amnesia is a degenerative memory condition where the patient has a time frame in which they can retain their memory. Effectively, at the end of the time period their mind resets. goldFISH has a four hour condition. Other sufferers have been known have up ten year time frames. goldFISH is erratic and vague at times. Very trusting of people, funnily enough, thanks to his situation. goldFISH has tattoos of important information on his body.

Apperance: He wears a gold sequined mask that is the shape of a goldfish. Complete with tail and flippers and whatnot, his eyes are the goldfish's eyes. Other than that he wears whatever he was wearing at the time. Shirt and tie. T-shirt and jeans. Whatever. Mask is the only thing he wears ALL the time.

Wrestling Style: brawler and erratic - mainly slam based (powerbombs and slams and whatnot)
Favourite Moves: see above
Finisher: he doesn't have a finisher because he cannot remember it

l8r Gods


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Name: Squanto the Magic Indian
From: The Indian Reservation
Ht: 6'5"
Wt: 275 lbs.
Appearance: A tall, doofy looking version of Tatanka.
Ring attire: Indian headdress and stuff. Accompanied to the ring by his mentally retarded son Benny.
Moveset: Chops and other Native-like moves
Finisher: Dances With Wolves (Stone Cold Stunner)
Entrance Music: That song from the "Pure Moods" CD where the Indian dude starts the track by chanting "OOOOOH AHHHH OOOOOHHHH OOOOHHH OHHHHH HAIIII OOOOOOOHHHHH, OOHHH HAAAAIIIII OHHH HAII OHHHH HAAIIIIIIII!!" Somebody please help me find it.

Gimmick: He is the owner of a very successful Indian casino called Squanto's Palace. He's made millions, and now he has invested all his money into steroids and wrestling training.

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