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  1. AngerManagement

    This is how you cut a promo...a REAL LIFE promo! #2

    Back in May, I posted a video of Seattle's own super-villain, Rex Velvet, issuing a challenge to Phoenix Jones and the other real life costumed super heroes that have popped up in town. This time, I present to you a video of a real person. His name is DJ Roy. He's been actively working to...
  2. AngerManagement

    Take a peek: Possible Secondary Show pilot now online

    Hey there Defiant ones, In a stray late night conversation, I mentioned to Justin that I thought that since fewer and fewer people want to write matches for handlers who often don't bother to read matches, that there could be a way to run an efed without actually producing shows--but instead...
  3. AngerManagement

    Apologies for "Stacking"

    I'm about to post a second straight RP...and, though I've been away from this crazy hobby for awhile, I believe that is something that people get upset about. I've got weird scheduling this whole RP period and haven't been able to post a "after the tv cameras shut off after EVO-5" scene that...
  4. AngerManagement

    This is how you cut a promo...a REAL LIFE promo!

    I live in Seattle. Seattle has its very own "costumed superhero"/"masked vigilante" named Phoenix Jones. (During the recent May Day riots, Phoenix Jones actually tried to defend the federal building against a mob of anarchist agitators...****'s real, yo!) Well, what is a superhero without a...
  5. AngerManagement

    Niklas Kiri--a quick and dirty micro

    He's all "Grrrr!" and stuff.

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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