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  1. Greer

    Everyones Fave meathead. Here is Jonny Booya!!!

    Badass. Do you know what would be awesome? If his glasses were like Macho Man's old-school glasses that said "Macho" across the entire front, but it says BOOYA! instead.
  2. Greer


    I was thinking about it earlier... who do you have unfixable heat with? Thinking about it, I think I only have heat with two people anymore, Matt Rodgers and Will Tocci. Maybe Jon still, but hopefully not. Rodgers hates me because Justin got me back into the WfWA despite me "being a bully" and...
  3. Greer

    Poser Description Thread

    Or Rich and Pete, the Fabulous Ones
  4. Greer

    [ . ][ . ][ . ]

    Do more. The inactivity is boring me. Also, props if you got the Total Recall titties.
  5. Greer

    James' Random OOC Thread

    This would be so much better. Miss this belt.
  6. Greer

    Why wait?..... DEFBALL 4!

    Okay, let's start getting some fuckers signed up for DEFBALL 2013! Seriously, there are teams to take over with legacies to keep intact. Who the fuck is Matt Ford?! Will Chris King come back from the shocking loss last season and win his second league title? Maybe. Will George get his third...
  7. Greer

    Micro Description Thread

    Holy Shit, Jeremy Knyte is KoP two years ago! That bastard is stealing my shit! :D

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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