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    https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheDefiantTorch/ also on Twitter #TheDefiantNews
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    Name: Scott Email Address: Scottryan_76@yahoo.com Best Way to Contact You: Fourms, email, skype (Crimson.Scott) eWrestling Experience: Been e-fedding since 1990, Most of my time has been spent in UTA, I could name countless feds all which probably you have seen various incarnations of them, or...
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    Micro Description Thread

    Toybox update (each member now has pink eyes) (description text wise below) {height as well, I notice Jestal in his current micro is taller than Dandelion so I added their height} Jestal (middle) {Jestal is the smaller of the group stands 5'0'') Jestal wears a red penguin suit coat, with...
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    Wrestlics Web Comic

    If anyone is interested I do a web comic, mainly on Crimson Lord and WynLyn If you would like to join the group, either get a hold of me on skype or a I'm here. Pretty easy to get in contact with https://www.facebook.com/groups/1579386465696254/
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    "The Queen Bee" WynLyn

    Handler Information Name: Scott Email Address: Scottryan_76@yahoo.com Best Way to Contact You:Fourms, email, skype (Crimson.Scott) eWrestling Experience:Been e-fedding since 1990, Most of my time has been spent in UTA, I could name countless feds all which probably you have seen various...
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    The Toybox

    Used as either Tag or Singles Collectively called The Toybox Handler Information Name: Scott Email Address: Scottryan_76@yahoo.com Best Way to Contact You: Fourms, email, skype (Crimson.Scott) eWrestling Experience: Been e-fedding since 1990, Most of my time has been spent in UTA, I could...
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    "The Perfect Weapon" Crimson Lord

    Handler Information Name: Scott Email Address: Scottryan_76@yahoo.com Best Way to Contact You: Fourms, email, skype (Crimson.Scott) eWrestling Experience: Been e-fedding since 1990, Most of my time has been spent in UTA, I could name countless feds all which probably you have seen various...

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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