[FADE IN. The scene is a hotel room. The camera, with the date-stamp 01-25-2010, is low to the ground, and the picture and sound quality relatively poor, like you would see on an undercover show. Standing in a towel, his back to the camera, is New ERA of Wrestling’s own Mr. Entertainment. He’s talking on the phone, so we can only hear half of the conversation, which has only just started]
ME: Mm-ello? Yeah, speaking.
What? HAL’s gone? What’d tha’ clown do now?
No real reason? ‘Kay, wha’s the… ooooh! Well, tha’ makes sense.
Come again? Triple threat?
HAL ain’t tha’ good! I mean, jeez, if it was a world champ who’d done a runner than I’d expect two guys drafted in as space fillers but HAL? He didn’t do a damn thing in two thousand seven an’ he’s less relevant now! Why the…
Oh, I see. Yeah, I understand. Asses on seats. Well, send the revised sheet over an’ I’ll look it over.
[CUTTO: A CCTV-style camera at the gym, date-stamp 01-27-2010 (timestamp 07:36). Several people are using weight machines, free-weights, cardio machines, the usual things you would expect in a gym. Over in the corner using the kick-bag is Mr. Entertainment, executing some very precise techniques and setting the bag swinging through the impact
CUTTO: A day-to-day event in the life of a famous professional wrestler; the autograph session. Once again the camera is a CCTV one (date-stamp 01-27-2010, timestamp 14:32), with some sounds audible. We can hear the general milling around of customers, and see a few pixelated faces behind the signing desk. One face isn’t pixellated, Mr. Entertainment’s, and it’s him we focus our attention on]
Fan#1: [speaking with a thick and heavy surfer-dude accent] Hey, Mister Entertainment, my ma~n! How’s it hangin’, dude?
ME: Cool, cool. Just shootin’ the breeze with all the faithful. What’s yer name?
Fan#1: I’m Buster, my friends just called be Bud.
ME: [signing a photo] Yeah?
Bud: Yeah, because, like, I got totally buzzed on these bottles when I was, like, at my fifth birthday party and I totally puked up everywhere, it was gnarly.
ME: I guess ya got the bottles from the liquor cabinet?
Bud: Hey, man, that was not my fault! My pop said I could grab some bottles, he didn’t say I couldn’t go in that cabinet and I’d like seen him grab from there and he always looked fine afterwards, happy even like if he was pissed off with mom or his boss he’d go to that cabinet and end up all “woo” and happy and stuff.
ME: Magic cabinet, huh? Well, nice meetin’ ya, Bud, don’t drink an’ drive an’ I’ll see ya ‘round.
Bud: Cool, dude, cool. Hey, dude, good luck at Destrucity, I’ll be rooting for ya from the bar with ice cold me in my hand. [he laughs that annoying laugh someone does when they’re laughing at their own atrocious joke]
ME: Thanks. Next!
Fan#2: [father with child] Hi, it’s for my son, Jonathan.
ME: Oh, like Marx? [the little boy nods] How old are you, son?
Jonathan: [bashfully clinging to dad] Five.
ME: So I guess you didn’t see it when I beat Marx back in oh-seven? Ya know, if yer dad’ll let ya, ya should check it out, it was a great match.
Dad: Oh, was that on RAUCOUS?
ME: Yeah. Ya know, when Johnny-boy was World Champ, an’ I beat him.
Jonathan: You beat Jonathan Marx?
ME: Yeah! Back when I was the TV champ. It’s why I created the World Heavyweight Actually Held Actually Defended Television Title, which I never lost!
Jonathan: Wow!
ME: Actually [He reaches under the desk to a bag, rummaging through and pulling out a weird combination-belt – half New ERA World Heavyweight and half New ERA TV title] How abou’ a picture, you with the greatest belt in New ERA history?
[Jonathan looks at his dad, then at Mr. Entertainment, then back at his dad who’s nodding and reaching for his camera. Jonathan takes hold of the belt as Mr. Entertainment lifts him onto his shoulder like a champion. A few cameras flash.
CUTTO: A quiet café-bar. This time the camera’s closer to actual broadcast quality, although it’s still not what we’d expect. Date-stamp: 01-30-2010, timestamp: 10:02. Mr. Entertainment is sitting at a table next to the wall, while across from him is an unnamed young interviewer – from the looks of the setup, Mr. Entertainment has granted a student TV station an interview. We’ve joined the interview shortly after the opening, but not soon enough to know what the station is]
Student: OK. So, you’ve had a few days since you found out your match had changed, is there any news on HAL?
ME: Not that I’ve heard. I mean sure there’re rumours – his mom got tired of him livin’ in her basement, he got abducted by Ceiling Cat, or he actually realised he ain’t cut out fer life in this business, but just rumours. Fer all I know he coulda had a meetin’ with the owners an’ puked on the secretary’s shoes!
Student: But it’s put you in a difficult situation, hasn’t it? A triple threat match?
ME: Nah. A triple threat just means ya’ve gotta knock two guys out instead o’ one. Yeah someone could get lucky an’ pick up the win without ME
Mister Entertainment
Even bein’ in the ring but ya know what? It ain’t anythin’ I ain’t already dealt with.
Student: Your triple threat success isn’t brilliant though.
ME: So beatin’ world title contenders ain’t brilliant? I’m kiddin’. I know tha’ I’ve won some an’ lost some, but that’s the name o’ the game. Not winnin’ an’ losin’, but ENTERTAINING the fans! Ya think ANYBODY wants ta watch one guy steamroll the entire roster, win each an’ every match, comfortably might I add? No. That gets so damn dull ya’d think ya were watchin’ Jeff Jorgenson or Karl Brown.
Student: But isn’t it the job of a wrestler to win?
ME: Tha’s part o’ it. But the main thing? Is to ENTERTAIN people. That’s why things like Sumo wrestlin’ doesn’t get a big audience over here, the folks at home think it’s boring. That’s why New ERA of Wrestling is one of the highest rated shows on TV today – because it’s ENTERTAINING, an’ nobody – and I mean nobody – understands ENTERTAINMENT better than ME.
Mister Entertainment.
Student: Some of your opponents disagree.
ME: Have ya looked at some of the guys on the roster? Physical specimens, great physiques, but come on – there’s road-kill with more intelligence! But I can’t really say I’m surprised, some people have a knack fer entertaining people, same as some people have a knack fer particle physics. Ya wouldn’t expect John Doe or Erik Black ta discover a cure fer cancer or a way ta travel at the speed o’ light but ya would expect them ta know how ta lace up a pair o’ wrestling boots.
Though with John ya do have ta wonder.
Student: OK, but… what would you say to people who say you’re just annoying? I don’t think you are but it’s something I’ve seen said about you.
ME: I’m ME.
Mister Entertainment.
The guy who builds drama, gives ya a thrill ride an’ knows just when ta pull the trigger. An’ I know it! Of course some losers are gonna find tha’ irritatin’ or annoyin’ or arrogant. They’ll find it arrogant tha’ I ain’t found the time ta give a crap abou’ Jorgenson an’ Burke’s TV appearances this week! They probably think I’m some arrogant prick who’s gonna get wha’s comin’ to him.
An’ ya wanna know somethin’? I want the folks ta think someone’s gonna shut my mouth. I want folks ta be hungry ta see ME
Mister Entertainment
The greatest professional wrestler an’ entertainer on the PLANET
Be forced ta eat his words, get his ass kicked an’ be put out ta pasture. I THRIVE on tha’ simple plot premise. I know how damn good I am, the folks at home have seen it, but they want ta see the best be humble. Have this whole pseudo-moralistic angle. An’ that ain’t ME
Mister Entertainment.
I’m loud. I have opinions and I damn well tell ya what they are. An’ I know that there is nobody on the New ERA roster who one on one, at their best, is better than I am.
Student: What about Jorgenson?
ME: What about him? He got lucky in the Christmas Lot Brawl an’ his luck carried through. If he pins my shoulders to the mat without any help from Burke, then maybe he’ll have somethin’ ta crow abou’.
Student: So you think you’re going to win?
ME: Think? No. I know I’m gonna win. Whether it’s HAL, Jeff, Steve, Cameron, John, Paul, Ringo, George, or Jambo the one eyed mute gorilla, I’m gonna win. With the lights shinin’, the sound o’ the fans, the big stage… how can I lose?
Student: Didn’t Galbraith say there’re two types of people who make predictions – those that don’t know and those that don’t know they don’t know?
ME: Ya ain’t The Dragon in disguise are ya? I mean sure I’m beating him the same day I beat Jeff an’ Steve but jesus you sounded almost as boring as him.
Listen, it’s good ya can quote someone. But quotes are fer people who don’t have the intelligence ta make a point their own way. Using a quote ta back up an argument is about as impressive as goin’ on an’ on about where ya trained ta be a professional wrestler. Not at all.
Student: Sorry. Now, I wanted to ask, with your schedule these days, how do you keep in shape?
ME: Ya mean with my drivin’ across the country, doin’ autograph sessions, interviews, my voice-acting, an’ all around greatness? I find the time. A true ENTERTAINER, a true professional knows how far they can go before they need ta rest, an’ they know how ta keep in shape.
Student: OK. You’ve made a few comments about Destrucity, but is there anything else you want to say before we move on?
ME: Abou’ Jeff “Doesn’t Deserve It” Jorgenson an’ Steve “Deserves It Even Less” Burke an’ how they somehow get booked ta fight fer a TV Title shot against ME
Mister Entertainment?
Let them come back in a few months when they’ve actually done somethin’ because until then, there are loads of guys on the roster more deservin’ o’ that chance.
Student: Like who?
ME: Jason Payne, Trevor Cane, John Doe, Shawn Hart when he loses ta Peter File, an’ Cammy when he loses ta ME.
Mister Entertainment
An’ I take back the greatest title in this business.
[The interviewer continues, but we FADE OUT – as we notice a target fading in over Mr. Entertainment]